...صحيفة واشنطن بوست نقلت عن مسؤولين ووثيقة...

  • 3 years ago
00:00The Washington Post newspaper quoted officials and a document for the US intelligence between the intelligence believes that Russia is perhaps the one planning a multi-front attack
00:09on Ukraine,
00:11The White House confirms that US President Biden and Russian President Putin will hold a call next Tuesday. Amid these tensions in Ukraine
00:21Over the weekend, I worked a condiment that went down along with other available coins. In another sign of an escape
00:29dealers from the risks that are sweeping the financial markets
00:34The shares of 42,296 dollars fell on Saturday before it returned
00:39Now he's bouncing back, trying to break through 50 or reach 50,000 again.
00:46The Corona news is now about Dr. Brennan. Tove Degenero cancelled New Year's Eve celebrations in the Brazilian capital
00:52The United Kingdom will ask all passengers to conduct a test as the Nine Teen delegation within forty eight hours
00:58Before they take a trip to the UK regardless of whether it's boiled. When Princess Beatrix dictated to the former Dutch Queen
01:07No, I got the Corona virus
01:09Nyn Tin is still a light symptom and is like a cold, apparently not more.
01:16So that's the most important news he's heard this morning and the most important engine. Of course, we should not forget that the Muslim Brotherhood today in Jeddah is different from
01:25For the first time, actually
01:27you go with us to what is a message. We will follow up with some analyses and also your vision of what happened last week, whether good or bad
01:37Actually, a red weekend was on all the world markets. Most of them were very big effects.
01:44The American market was recording very strong declines in terms of seeing the very strong decline on the people, which was almost recorded
01:53Two percent of the time declines for Assad in Waldo Jones were declines
01:58without the one
01:59has a kind of fluctuations that were witnessed by the markets, but despite the slight declines, which are relatively on the contribution, however, the name
02:08He's reaching levels
02:10So precise that they are currently testing the indicator or the modified with the 100 days after what was
02:18broke the average of fifty days, I mean, as between religion
02:22During the last week of last month, there were declines that reached the levels of four thousand five hundred, where
02:31This level is below 50 days and is good, but I am about 40 points before breaking the one million rate.
02:40These declines can give us an orgasm, not a drop in the heart of markets, but
02:46in a non-positive look in the coming period, which is the effects of the case
02:51OPEC Rooney, which has recently appeared but is under very strong pressure on the indicators because and because of the lack of clarity on this issue