...ألفين وخمسة عشر ادارة رئيسي تحاول أن تعط...

  • 3 years ago
00:002015 is a major administration that is trying to give the scenario that it will either reach the nuclear bomb or lift all the sanctions
00:08and achieved what the Rohani administration failed to achieve. This is what we referred to in the election period
00:13that my president will not accept continuously from the point to which the negotiations stopped at Rouhani's government and Rohani's negotiating team
00:22Do you expect the major to be able to pull this off?
00:30I think not, because the Western powers and the United States will not give my president what he wants. I mean, the sanctions will not be lifted in return for
00:37only to return to the agreement of 2015 without specifying
00:41first to amend the mechanisms of the nuclear agreement and the Iranian nuclear capabilities because, on the other hand, they are doing it. Or let me first say that a large percentage
00:52In return, it is raising the rate of enrichment.
00:58Of course, that's the point. I mean, the principle for the Western powers will be other options, as the US Secretary of State, Blunkett, pointed out.
01:07in the sense that if the Vienna negotiations failed
01:09There will be other options. These other options might be military surgical strikes for the nuclear program or
01:16an attempt to delay it through intelligence attacks, as happened in the past two years
01:21or imposing harsh sanctions on Iran with the neutralization of Russia or the Russian-Chinese support, because in this new changing round
01:28is Russian and Chinese annoyance from Iran's demands or from the amendments
01:32proposed by Iran to help the recovery. If Iran loses the Russian-Chinese support here, it will have a big problem.
01:41That's the problem. To what
01:42How dangerous is it? I mean, can it affect the future of the negotiations, the loss of the Russian and Chinese support?
01:53Certainly, it will have a big impact on Iran. If Iran loses the Russian and Chinese support, it will stop the negotiations
02:00for a short period of time, and then it will return in a way or a religion that says less Iranian demands because Russia and China are still until this moment
02:08they provide the necessary resuscitation doses . with regard to Iran with regard to
02:12for example, the economic situation with regard to China's agreement with Iran, which it signed with it, with regard to the support in the Security Council towards the resolutions and the direction of the sanctions,
02:21If you lose that support, it's gonna be
02:24a bigger disaster for Iran. What is more important now is for the Western powers and Iran to suggest other options.
02:31Since the start of the Vienna negotiations, we have started to see that there is
02:35military plans to hit the Iranian nuclear reactor, that there is a preparation for a world without a nuclear agreement, as pointed out by Blair, and as pointed out by the spokeswoman of the White House,
02:44I mean, now the other options
02:47more clear for the Western powers. Therefore, the scenario now with regard to the catastrophic economic situation of Iran
02:54is that it might reach advanced nuclear capabilities, but with an economic situation