...عن الأنظار الآن تتجه الى الموسم القادم م...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Coming up next season, Christmas and New Year's Eve
00:05in light of this new shifter or micron, and in light of the talk that
00:10So far, the difference is that it is rapidly spreading, I mean, what is expected during the coming period? are there any injuries
00:17a new rise in the number of injuries, or are we heading towards a new closure?
00:22Or how you follow the scene
00:27Good evening. I mean, today, after this time, a few days after the emergence of this transformation in South Africa
00:35It does seem to be more widespread. The cases have increased in a way that is very fast in South Africa. One hundred percent of the newly discovered cases are a source for this transformation now in South Africa.
00:48So regardless, I mean
00:50Of course, we have to wait for the studies, and we have to get the data out more. We will not resolve this matter, but it seems that I look around and it spreads more quickly, and that the risk of its spread around the world is as high as I thought. World Health Organization
01:04I mean, before it takes a fortune, for example, if we started to see new waves led by his country
01:12in most of the countries of the world, and we started to return to
01:16Emphasize the importance of preventive measures and the importance of continued vaccinations and enhanced doses in the countries where they are available.
01:24Now, there is a vision for a minister of class on this matter. There's a new shift that's spreading fast.
01:30We are still unable to judge the seriousness of this issue
01:34or the effectiveness of the vaccine towards me, and we hope that it will at least refuse to be able to prevent the severe disease, and we are still early to judge it.
01:42So now, I mean, the ban is prevailing
01:46Around the world. the countries, I mean, are watching more than before on the precautionary measures or we will get to know them
01:54Since the beginning of the appearance of this virus, I mean, the distance to keep a safe distance, the quantity is fixed, the prevention, and of course
02:03Despite the fact that to date it has not been found to be very effective for the vaccine. This shifter, the Washington Post newspaper, has suggested that
02:13There's a possibility that it's a shapeshifter or a micron
02:16the capture of a genetic material from another virus from the cold or cold virus. So far, is there any information
02:25Was it discovered at this particular point? Does that mean that
02:29The virus weakens or is it the other way around?
02:33We are talking here about a draft study that has not yet been achieved in a preliminary study in which they found a great similarity. Gene sequence between
02:42An electronic shifter there's a section of infiltration that turns out to be highly suspicious.
02:47One of the viruses you remember for leaking the extreme cold, which is Angeusko Vaatu, you get me.
02:54they found a great similarity between these two viruses. These things could happen.