...مدير المعهد الوطني الاميركي للامراض المع...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Director of the American National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fulci, who said that the research
00:06It has not yet been established, and it has not yet been fully established, that a mutant or micron is more dangerous than the Corona virus.
00:11Fu Zhi added that it is too early to draw any firm conclusions and urge Americans to take advantage of incapacitating vaccines.
00:20pointing out that the United States
00:23Hopes for the lifting of the travel ban imposed on South African countries due to the deployment of the new transition within a reasonable time frame.
00:34With the rise in the number of casualties in the new shift in a number of countries, the head of our manager company said
00:40There's a clear risk that the current Corona vaccine will be less effective
00:48Against the new variable. Although President Mu Darna said that it is too early to determine the extent of low effectiveness,
00:56However, he called for the need to find a specific copy
00:59If there's a near-half-effective decline, he says.
01:07Protests continue against the Corona restrictions imposed and imposed by a number of European countries, including Austria
01:15at a time when the number of daily injuries is rising throughout the continent.
01:19In Vienna, which imposed the compulsory vaccine and declared the general closure again, thousands continue to demonstrate against the government's measures. We continue
01:32From time to time, these crowds return by the thousands to roam the streets of Vienna in protest against the restrictions imposed by the Austrian government
01:42In an attempt to contain the fourth wave of the Corona pandemic.
01:46Objecting to what they described as the looting of personal freedoms,
01:50The protest revolves around the mandatory vaccine that will be offered in Austria, which means that people are no longer free to choose.
01:59Fear of lack of information about the vaccine
02:02and others related to personal freedoms, which push most of these people to go out in mass demonstrations demanding
02:12closure imposed due to corona virus outbreak
02:16and not forcing the population on the vaccine.
02:20The government continues to impose the general closure until the 13th of this month, and then to re-evaluate the health situation
02:29In addition to the mandatory vaccine
02:31This is rejected by the protesters.
02:34I know there are patients and people with the virus, but I don't believe in a version of the virus
02:46With shops, restaurants and markets closed for the second week in a row, others call for the need to respond to the government's measures
02:55And receive the vaccine. Is life back to normal