• 4 years ago
Attractive & Smooth Voice

This is a much more powerful version of the track found on YouTube.

Hello Ladies! (This track can also be used by men who wish to make their voice more feminie)

Are you blessed with super good looks, body and charm, yet when you open your mouth, you sound like a funny female cartoon character?

Are you worried that you sound a bit weird when you answer the phone and you are not able to hold the conversation because of your voice?

Afraid of speaking in public or in front of an audience because of your sound?

Don't worry, we have developed the ultimate subliminal audio to make you sound really sexy and feminine, that voice that melts men and bring them to their knees!
Regular use of this audio should help you optimize your pitch and make your voice sound very attractive and resonating and sexy and the changes are going to be permanent.

You don't have to waste any time wasting countless hours on training for voice the voice you really want,

Men are gonna love your new voice, they will want to prolong the conversations because of your new sexy voice.

You yourself are gonna love the way you sound and you are going to be naturally confident to talk and impress people.

Listen to this audio for at least 4 hours a day, or up to 12 hours.
Listening for 8 hours for the next one month will bring the best results.

Affirmations include:

I have a beautiful voice and People love to hear me.

My voice improves every time I speak, my voice is sexy and people are attracted to it.

The angels and heavenly beings are with me when I sing and they come through my voice in the form of beauty.

Every day in every way my voice is getting more and more beautiful.

My voice was beautiful, my voice are beautiful and my voice will be beautiful forever.

I am so very blessed to have a gorgeous voice and that Everyone falls in love with my voice as soon as they hear me

I am so very blessed to have a gorgeous voice and that Everyone falls in love with my voice as soon as they hear me.

My voice is relaxed, toned, resilient, balanced and People everyday fall in love with me and my beautiful voice.

My voice is expressive, emotive and My voice expresses me from my core. The more positive I am the more beautiful my voice become.

I choose to laugh and enjoy life because it's what truly makes my voice beautiful.

I find it easy to project my voice and I can speak strongly and dominantly when needed.


Do not download this program illegally,or pirate it in anyway. This track contains very strong anti piracy affirmations.
You can listen to this program by making multiple copies as longs its your intention to use it for only yourself.

We reserve our rights to keep the affirmations we used for this program as a trade secret.

#subliminal #sweetvoice #voice #subliminalaffirmations #manifestation #lawofattraction #
