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  • 3 years ago
00:02Yeah, we're up for the fourth wave. There is no doubt that
00:13In a fourth wave is that every year I proved that most stocks
00:22If I may, but you are returning the foreigner regarding the situation in South Africa
00:28With regard to the situation in South Africa, it was announced that the new convert on November 24 announced that we are the third from the beginning of the fourth wave, South Africa.
00:42There are ongoing studies in the first two weeks of the epidemic. These results, which emerged from these studies, are positive or positive
00:52And a little reassuring.
00:54However, some of the results cannot be confirmed. As for why it indicates the severity of the injury in half
01:05those who are still alive, and some of the results indicate that most of those who were born to hospitals are
01:15Who didn't get the vaccine, which is good news. The news is that
01:20because we are not sure of the efficiency of the current reforms against the new shift.
01:28We found more than 87% of the patients
01:31from those who did not receive the meeting. For the second indicator he looked at, it was the death rate in the first two weeks.
01:40The mortality rate was six percent, and this is small compared to seventeen percent in the last month,
01:49Compared to 27% of deaths, the percentage of waste compared to the previous assets. We also looked
01:59to an indicator
02:00he looks at the severity of the disease , given the period that the patient needs to recover
02:09Or get out of the hospital. Home recovery complete
02:14We found that the average days were down to three days, compared to nine days of articles in previous waves
02:23all positive results, but
02:26We wait for the coming weeks to confirm a new abyss. More information, Doctor. As for the transgenic Delta, until this moment, it is also spread and is considered more lethal
02:37How is South African countries dealing with the Delta shifter, and how is the deployment of the shifter, and even benefiting South Africa with the deployment or micro.
02:46Yes, there is corruption and studies that look at these changes and changes
02:54And to change something, a company that changes the pattern of the epidemic in the country
02:59on the one hand