• 4 years ago
School safety has been a topic that concerns many parents. Today we spoke with school officials that tell us the measures they are taking.

In the last decade at least 9 schools have been involved in school shootings with fatalities involved. After a lack of security in schools in the United States, parents worry about security measures that schools are taking regarding school shootings.

"I always tell my kid, take care, don't be friends with kids that are problematic. Because there's been a lot of shootings in schools. It worries me a lot," said one parent.

According to every towns research, children exposed to crime and violence are more likely to have problems in school and are more likely to be part of criminal activity. The officer of public information of Sharyland ISD mentions some of the measures the district is taking.

"We have safety protocols that are in place which are constantly being reviewed evaluated for refinement, efficiency, and we proactively meet with administrators, staff members and local law enforcement officials." 

Security measures that school districts are taking including incorporating metal detectors, visible cameras, police presence, and counseling services that provides students a healthier mental health

School districts are taking security measures towards any possible threat and they highlight the importance of parents having good communication with their children.


