IMPLANTED Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Sarah, a struggling young woman living in Brooklyn, agrees to volunteer as an experimental test subject for a pharmaceutical company called Dynamic Health Cure to be implanted with the LEXX nanochip. Sarah hopes that the money received for her participation will solve her financial troubles and help her to take care of her mother who has Alzheimer’s. A nanochip is implanted in her cerebral cortex. It is designed with artificial intelligence technology to take control of the body at the inception of any disease or illness. When the implant turns sinister and orders her to commit crimes, Sarah is plunged into a murderous spiral with only one choice: to live or die.
Cast: Michelle Girolami, Edouard Montoute, Martin Ewens, Tony Sallemi, Ivo Velon, Sunny Koll, Mark Resnik, Nader Boussandel, Shirley Huang, Adam P. Murphy
Cast: Michelle Girolami, Edouard Montoute, Martin Ewens, Tony Sallemi, Ivo Velon, Sunny Koll, Mark Resnik, Nader Boussandel, Shirley Huang, Adam P. Murphy
Short film