Devaki Vijayaraman, an Homebaker from Trichy, Tamil Nadu was declared as the winner on 14 November 2021, with Nithya Franklyn of Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu being the runner-up
Season 1 of the Indian Tamil competitive reality TV series MasterChef India Tamil which premiered on 7 August 2021 on Sun TV.
The show is hosted by actor and producer Vijay Sethupathi, while profesional chefs Harish Rao, Aarthi Sampath and Koushik S serve as judges for this season.
Host: Preethi | Camera: Hari Haran, Suresh Krishna | Edit: Abimanyu | Producer: Suriya Gomathi, Anbarasi
Season 1 of the Indian Tamil competitive reality TV series MasterChef India Tamil which premiered on 7 August 2021 on Sun TV.
The show is hosted by actor and producer Vijay Sethupathi, while profesional chefs Harish Rao, Aarthi Sampath and Koushik S serve as judges for this season.
Host: Preethi | Camera: Hari Haran, Suresh Krishna | Edit: Abimanyu | Producer: Suriya Gomathi, Anbarasi