...يوليو ألفين وخمسة عشر و بين إسرائيل والس...

  • 3 years ago
00:00July 2015 and between Israel and Saudi Arabia. And the penetration of such a visit will not think that if the negotiations
00:10goes in another place to more than the nuclear program, i.e. Iran's activities in the region and its program
00:20missile. It is natural to involve Saudi Arabia and Israel in these negotiations, and this translates because today
00:28Sheikh Saheb Tahnoun Bin Nabhanzayid and the sister of Crown Prince
00:35the UAE and Iran. The idea is that the partners were not involved in the negotiations in the nuclear file.
00:43other topics such as Iran's role through its arms in the region
00:50Lebanon and Iraq currently, perhaps Afghanistan on extremism and Iran in the region in Lebanon in particular. Right here
00:58I move to my guest from Riyadh, Mr. Salman
01:01mccall announced a French-Saudi initiative to solve the Lebanese-Gulf crisis. How is it possible
01:09to find a way to support the Lebanese people? restoring all these commercial and economic relations in the presence of direct Iranian support to Hezbollah.
01:22First of all, I think that it must be presented to some of the points that were mentioned by the honorable brothers. I think that what
01:28Exactly what Mr. David mentioned with regard to the relations between Paris and Riyadh
01:33or Syria with regard to the relations between Paris and Washington.
01:37I think that there is a fundamental point of disagreement between France and the United States that has not been highlighted
01:43It has nothing to do with the Middle East in the first place, and it is a priority problem. the american priority is in china and the french priority is in russia .
01:53Personally, I mean, although some people might rule that out,
01:57I do not rule out that there is an American medium plan
02:01the extent to isolate China through rapprochement with Russia
02:04If this was at the expense of the European countries, and this is what we saw with regard to the crime issue, and we saw in the issue of
02:11the failure to take real steps in protecting the European Union and so on, which prompted the President to mention the issue of
02:20The importance of the formation of an army
02:22European out-of-my-control thing and the other thing. I do not rule out that France and the European Union
02:29in rapprochement with China to isolate Russia. The issue has a kind of tension and attraction
02:35is very big and affects the relations between Washington and Paris. And the proof of this talk is in October of 2018
02:44The European Navy, which is the ion in
02:48to carry out military exercises or maneuvers with China in its base in Djibouti,
02:53Europe, of course, and China wrote an economic draft called the agreement