...مليون ريال مثلت نحو أربعة وعشرين بالمئة ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00one million riyals represented about twenty four percent of the total liquidity. recorded an understanding of gains at the end of the session by more than twelve percent
00:09at one hundred eighteen riyals
00:11compared to the price of listing at 105 Riyals from active shares, which rose in yesterday's session. It was understood
00:19for the levels of one hundred twelve riyals
00:22amid trading that amounted to about five million shares. The company had announced an increase in the number of shares put up in the secondary sale to one hundred twenty million shares
00:31Represents six percent of the head
00:33The company's money and shares have been rising slightly, I mean, by about six percent since the beginning of this year.
00:40For the highest shares, the total trading topped the list by 12%
00:45and some of them also rose in the maximum, while Al-Rajhi and Sabic shares retreated.
00:51The Saudi-French Bank topped the list of the lowest shares
00:56The refineries started and the completion group was also on declines of about four percent
01:03I mean
01:07In the companies' news, the CEO of the National Manufacturing Company said in an interview with figures that the company has long-term contracts
01:15in the field of three supplies, which gave it some protection from the big rises in prices.
01:21The problem, however, lies in the fact that most of the contracts will expire at the end of this year.
01:26He expected that next year will witness a big rise in the markets, pointing out that the crisis of three supplies is worsening
01:32in light of the rise in the prices of renting containers. It also expected that the results of the fourth quarter of 2021
01:40put pressure on the most companies due to the rise in the prices of values.
01:45Also, an interview with figures in which the CEO of the advanced petrochemical company said
01:51that 2021 will be one of the best years for the petrochemical sector
01:56of course thanks to the increase in sales despite the increase in the prices of values and shipping and the crisis of three supplies .
02:02He pointed out that the large rise in the prices of polypropylenenegosreduces the effects of the increase in freight prices, which exceeded two times.
02:11A gradual decline in freight rates is expected
02:14during the second half of 2020
02:18Autumn Company for Water and Energy Technologies. received the contract of the project of maintaining and improving rain systems and water levels reduction systems in Jeddah
02:28at a value of one hundred thirty one million six hundred thousand riyals.
02:32the company expected starting with all the financial impact of the project in the second half of the current year
02:39The accumulated losses of the International Textile Trading Company declined to about forty one million riyals, which represents nineteen point four percent
02:48From the company's capital.
02:50The company attributed this to the increase of capital at a value of one hundred fifty million riyals through putting up the shares of rights as a priority based on the approval of the General Assembly