...التي تضطرب بعد ظهورها حياة البشر وتختلف ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00which, after its appearance, disturbs the lives of humans and their living conditions are different because of it. I want to start with you from your thesis
00:09At any point. We are today from this confrontation
00:12You're definitely counting the trauma and we're in treatment, but are we in recovery?
00:20I mean, thank you very much for the kind invitation to discuss with you and the interest in following up what I write
00:27And tell the great effort you've made in preparing for this episode
00:32with the figures and the previous offer on this discussion
00:38I mean, the word and its meaning passes through you and from brothers who gathered it confusing and put the topic of the pandemic
00:47within the major understandings that
00:50Of course, humanity is facing a misdemeanor, one of which is the subject of climate change, the special problems before the pandemic,
01:01Sir, you remember conversations that were
01:03about the impact of the digital transformation and the major industrial revolution, and the last of which is on the different picture. But now we're in that Priya
01:12It affects people's lives, people's lives, and reviewing all the numbers. Right now
01:18Because of the new shifter, there's also another review of growth rates. the review of a movement that I mentioned
01:28than the 5% expected for next year 22
01:32or less than 6% for the current year or less, this goes back to October of this month, October of this year.
01:39There may be another review of growth rates
01:44to absorb this negative impact of the new speaker.
01:51The problem is in my opinion
01:55not only in the growth rates, but in the disparity of growth rates in countries
02:00higher than six percent, and in less than Arab and African countries,
02:06Within these countries, there will be disparities in the different economic sectors
02:11in its performance. Therefore, there is a disparity in income and an unfair distribution of income and wealth in a way that does not have known political and economic effects.
02:20The other thing, you mentioned, and it is true
02:23The effects of inflation worldwide, the problem with inflation, are two things first
02:30on developing countries and countries with emerging markets, including Arab countries
02:36forty percent of the spending of families is on fuel and food. It witnessed a very large increase in prices,
02:45Therefore, the announced rate of inflation may not be aware of all the problems related to what families are suffering
02:53Especially in countries that don't exist
02:56Social security systems. Two thousand is enough