...أقل من الحيوانات الى البشر مثلا الإنفلون...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Less animals to humans, for example, influenza is completely ruled out in plants because the difference between naturalisation and milking
00:11Relatively large.
00:13Removing all animal pathogens is possible, but very expensive. Lasky wants to save it with his alliance. That's why
00:23His team produced a milking that produces a protein a thousand that increases the required gas.
00:30That's what it looks like. Milk the bottle. Small green mass
00:35Things are…
00:37This mass is made up of several thin strands of algae formed from one cell, as Ski introduced the protein gene
00:46Which Fabry lacks in her illness.
00:49Now the cells are producing with an alternative protein and applying it directly to the nutrient solution.
00:56a first achievement , but it is not a marketable medicine yet .
01:00Larger quantities of alternative protein are needed.
01:06So the Ryukovsky team is working on the bioreactors that they can grow in. Optimally milked
01:14A comprehensive supply of nutrients and light and a permanent movement so that all of this is equally distributed.
01:24But even this amount is still insufficient. So Freiburg's reactors became bigger and bigger,
01:32But they've finally managed to grow moss
01:35In reactors the size of bathtubs from a small amount equal to the tip of the finger. One kilogram of algae grows here in two weeks,
01:45This actively produces proteins.
01:48the associate is now taking a sample from the reactor to examine the growth indicators . What's the status of the plant? Did the algae grow right?
01:57What's the status of increased biomass?
02:01If it doesn't grow, milk it as desired? The amount of nutrients that feed the Svangelsky is a company can be adjusted for the cultivation of mass algae. Renault Vishan
02:12Here will be a Libyan protein ready for the market.
02:16Production at the reactor helps a lot. The closed system guarantees an absolute and indispensable meeting in medicines.
02:24This will be more difficult for other plants because they usually grow in the soil and the open air.
02:31It is difficult to keep it free of germs and also to keep it free of bacteria, fungi, and white flies. And that's more expensive
02:41Algae are not aquatic plants either. However, the biotech world is using a special phase of pre-synthetic algae
02:50Pre-supply. He doesn't mind a continuous shower. It can divide and multiply
02:55Without growing to be Libya's wheat plant. and so on