The Hating Game Movie Clip - The Elevator Scene - Plot synopsis: Based on the best-selling book by Sally Thorne, THE HATING GAME tells the story of ambitious good girl Lucy Hutton (Lucy Hale) pitted against her cold, efficient work nemesis, Joshua Templeton (Austin Stowell), for a huge promotion at publishing company Bexley & Gamin. Trapped in a shared office, Lucy embarks on a ruthless game of one-upmanship against Josh, a rivalry that turns increasingly complicated by her mounting attraction to him after an innocent elevator ride turns NSFW. Is it love or just another game in their never-ending pursuit for the top job? Directed by Peter Hutchings, the film co-stars Samon Daunno, Yasha Jackson, Sean Cullen with Sakina Jaffrey and Corbin Bernsen.
Directed by Peter Hutchings
Starring Lucy Hale, Austin Stowell
Release Date: 12/10/21
Directed by Peter Hutchings
Starring Lucy Hale, Austin Stowell
Release Date: 12/10/21
Short film