...الحسين هو بنية دماغية قديمة تتكون من منا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Al-Hussein is an old brain structure made up of different sub-regions.
00:06We discovered a change in the size of one of these sub-regions,
00:10But it wasn't so clear that there was only half of it left. This did not appear in all individuals,
00:19But it was important, though.
00:22These results raise many questions. Why has the isolation of Al-Hussein changed slightly for some and for others? What is the role played by these areas? One of the reasons
00:36Is that he's involved in memory formation.
00:39This means that that information has been transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory.
00:47He's also involved in spatial thinking and navigational assignments
00:52and transfer the memories to the content of the memory. Three-dimensional, including internal maps
01:01It's connected to our feelings
01:03And it helps form pathways across cities. For example,
01:08People don't need inner city maps here
01:13It led the brain researcher to assume that the brain adapts to changing circumstances and how about 50 people live. those who are there reduce the temperature to forty or fifty degrees Celsius below zero.
01:27Working outside the station to the bare minimum often involves the points of registration
01:32Researchers collect data on the movement of ice or the earth's crust at the bottom and then study it at the station.
01:43I am
01:45Others remove the ice beneath the hydraulic pillars
01:49which is standing on the channel of Hanoi Meier III. In this way, it does not sink gradually in the snow.
01:55And teamwork helps raise it on a base of sacred ice
02:01they are trained as a team during the preparation process here, where they get to know each other well.
02:10They exchange ideas
02:14They also learn to communicate well with one another So this actually helps to ease the isolation
02:23Tim Hetttgland and his colleagues in medical care are concerned about the mental health of inmates.
02:31Don't get lonely here
02:34Although the station is far away and very isolated. But male and female residents are not lonely
02:43Quite the opposite. There is already some sort of family-like teamwork, as people come together
02:52We would like to sit in front of our doors in the corridor and imagine them