...إلى صفر فاصلة اربعة مليمتر مقطوعة منها ....

  • 3 years ago
00:00to 0.4 millimeters cut from it.
00:05In order to make the thin layer of cork usable, a critical processing step is still missing.
00:12The biggest challenge is to use cork to make them strong
00:17So that it doesn't rupture and withstand further pressure. That's why you need a carrier.
00:25In this case, an organic cork layer may not be coated with water-based corrosive material,
00:32The replacement of the special soldiers is therefore almost ready for use.
00:40We're checking for any cracks or holes in the cork, and whether everything comes out of the anticipation machine perfectly.
00:51and then we continue and go to the center of the city of Porto. This traditional manufacturer specializes in small high-quality accessories,
01:00but originally , she was only working with natural skin until michael and his colleague lina handed them over .
01:07At the same time, the president was also a big fan of the art line.
01:12At first, we had some problems with cork during treatment
01:19But thanks to the new equipment and other modifications,
01:24We were able to make production faster and more flexible. This is where the first parts of the wallet are made
01:34The fact that all of the factory's cork products are safe
01:38It's all manufactured in Portugal, and it's not just because of short transport routes.
01:43People here are simply involved in producing accessories with long experience. It's a small family business and they do everything manually. That's why we're so comfortable here
01:54Little by little, all the individual parts are gathered here. This way the bark of a tree turns into a purse.
02:02It's not only practical and good, it also ensures the continuation of the traditional cork industry in Portugal.
02:10No, this not only benefits the local economy, but also benefits the environment and designers.
02:20We're glad we found such a manufacturer that wants to try new materials with us as well.
02:27We look to the future and what we can experience there.
02:54In a fast-paced world, it's governed by complex interlocking data