...هذا ماذا سيحدث مع ايران هو امر مهم وخطير...

  • 3 years ago
00:00This is what will happen with Iran. It is important and dangerous and has great repercussions on the region and on the world economy. It is also following up an index in the East.
00:09mohammed fathi
00:11political and security issues come at a time when the Jordanian economy is suffering from a great dependence on all sectors
00:21And a summary of it
00:22about the most important developments in the economic world today
00:36on the east
00:37Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:54OPEC raised its expectations for the global demand for oil in the first quarter of next year
01:02A mutant or micron would have little effect on the world's co-existence with the pandemic, she said.
01:08The organization said in its monthly report that it expects the average demand for oil to reach 99.13 million barrels a day
01:17in the first quarter of 20.22, with an increase of 1 comma
01:21eleven million compared to its expectations last month.
01:27For more details, we have with us from Dallas, the American, through the application of Mr. Nass Al-Hajj, the editorial consultant in the specialized energy platform. Welcome, Mr. Anas.
01:37First of all, please
01:40Let's explain to the viewers. What is the meaning of OPEC raising its expectations for the global demand for oil in the first quarter of next year
01:49Let's explain it in a simple way. What does that mean
01:54In general, when OPEC announced that? This means that the situation in the markets is better than
02:01it was expected because it was expecting a surplus and thus leading to a drop in prices, and this drop in prices frightens the dealers in the market
02:10scares the Saudi people
02:12Affects the Saudi stock market, indicates in the Gulf stock markets.
02:18Now, the situation is better after this expectation because it means that the markets
02:23needs more oil, and OPEC is increasing production. Therefore, this increase in production
02:31prices will not be lowered as previously expected .
02:35There is a benefit for everyone from this expectation that this expectation was expected to get all the cases because it is a repetition of what happened in the year
02:47Well, the exact same thing. Of course, the Corona virus came later and ruined things, but the percentage for the first quarter of 2020
02:57The same thing happened,
02:58And the situation was