00:00God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay.
00:08Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day.
00:17To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray.
00:26O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
00:34O tidings of comfort and joy.
00:42From God our Heavenly Father a blessed angel came.
00:52And unto certain shepherds brought tidings of the same.
01:01A bird in Bethlehem was born, the Son of God by name.
01:10O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
01:19O tidings of comfort and joy.
01:27Fear not then said the angel, let nothing you affright.
01:36This day is born a Savior of a pure virgin bright.
01:45To free us all to trust in him.
01:59Gilbert K. Chesterton once said,
02:02In everybody there is a thing that loves children, fears death, and likes sunlight.
02:09And this thing enjoys Charles Dickens.
02:13Before I tell you about The Christmas Carol,
02:16let me read to you what Charles Dickens himself wrote about this story.
02:21I have endeavored in this ghostly little story to raise the ghost of an idea
02:27which shall not put my readers out of humor with themselves,
02:30with each other, with the season, or with me.
02:34May it haunt their houses pleasantly.
02:37Charles Dickens.
02:39To begin with, Jacob Marley was dead.
02:44Did Scrooge know that he was dead?
02:46Of course he did.
02:47Ebenezer Scrooge and he had been partners for I don't know how many years.
02:52Scrooge never painted out Marley's name.
02:54And so there it stood seven years afterwards above the warehouse door.
03:00Ebenezer Scrooge.
03:02Oh, but he was a tight-fisted old sinner.
03:05Hard and sharp as flint.
03:08The cold within him froze his features because he always carried his own low temperature with him.
03:14And he didn't thaw one degree.
03:17Not even at Christmas.
03:27Merry Christmas.
03:28Merry Christmas, Uncle.
03:30God save you.
03:33Christmas? A humbug?
03:34Uncle, you don't mean that, I'm sure.
03:36What reason to have you to be merry?
03:38You're poor enough.
03:39What right have you to be dismal?
03:41You're rich enough.
03:43What's Christmas to you but a time for finding yourself a year older but not an hour richer?
03:50Every idiot that goes about with Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled in his own pudding.
03:57Now, Uncle, I know you...
03:58Now, you keep Christmas in your own way, Fred, and I'll keep it in mine.
04:03Be off now.
04:04This is a place of business.
04:06Don't be angry.
04:07Come dine with us tomorrow.
04:09Caroline will be happy to see you.
04:11Why did you ever get married?
04:14Because I fell in love.
04:17As the only thing in the world more ridiculous than a Merry Christmas, good afternoon to you.
04:23Uncle, I'm sorry with all my heart to find you like this.
04:26Merry Christmas, Bob.
04:27Merry Christmas, sir.
04:30Let me hear another sound from you, and you'll keep your Christmas by losing your situation.
04:52You'll want all day tomorrow, I suppose, Crescent.
04:57Quite convenient, sir.
04:59Not convenient.
05:00But it's only one day in the year, sir.
05:02A poor excuse to pick the pocket of your employer every 25th of December.
05:08But be here all the earlier next morning.
05:10I will, sir.
05:11And a Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Scrooge.
05:34And while most of London was jovial and full of glee in honour of this Christmas Eve,
05:39Scrooge had taken his melancholy dinner at his usual melancholy tavern.
05:44And having read all the newspapers, he went home to bed.
05:49Scrooge lived in the chambers which had once belonged to Marley, his ex-partner.
05:55And as I have remarked before, Marley is dead these last seven years.
06:01Dead as a doornail.
06:56Ebenezer Scrooge.
06:59Oh, no.
07:00What do you want of me?
07:04Who are you?
07:06In life I was your partner, Jacob Marley.
07:10You don't believe in me?
07:13I don't.
07:15What evidence would you have of my reality beyond that of your own senses?
07:20I don't know.
07:22And why doubt your senses?
07:25Because a slight disorder in my stomach could make my senses cheat me.
07:30You might be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a fragment of underdone potato.
07:38Humbug, I tell you.
07:44Mercy on me.
07:46Dreadful apparition.
07:50Now do you believe in me or not?
07:54I do.
07:55I do.
07:56But why do you come to plague me?
08:00And why do you wear that ponderous chain?
08:04I made it link by link in my life as you are doing for yourself on earth.
08:11It is now a part of my penance.
08:15And I am here tonight to warn you of a fate such as mine.
08:20But, Ebenezer, if you change your ways, you have a chance of escaping my doom.
08:27You were always a good friend to me, Jacob.
08:32You will be haunted by three spirits.
08:36Without their visits you cannot hope to shun the path I tread.
08:41Expect the first tomorrow when the bell tolls once.
08:45Expect the next on the following night at the same hour.
08:50And the third on the next night when the last stroke of twelve has ceased to vibrate.
08:57Couldn't I take them all at once, Jacob, and have it over with?
09:02Look to see me no more.
09:04And look to it for your own sake.
09:07You remember what has passed between us.
09:38Scrooge tried desperately to say humbug to the strange happening,
09:43but the word stuck in his throat, unuttered.
09:46For it was highly probable it was not humbug.
09:51Being very much in need of repose from the experience he had undergone,
09:56or shall I say fatigues of the day,
09:59he went straight to bed without undressing and fell asleep in an instant.
10:04A few hours later.
10:35Are you the spirit whose coming was foretold to me?
10:41I am.
10:42Who and what are you?
10:46I am the ghost of Christmas past.
10:49Long past?
10:51No, your past.
10:54What business brings you here?
10:57Your welfare.
11:00I have things to show you which are the shadow of the things that have been.
11:12And walk with me.
11:15The ghost of Christmas past led Scrooge down the road which he had forgotten for so many years.
11:22He showed him a Christmas day in the past,
11:25which was a happy one for most children,
11:28but not for one lonely schoolboy.
11:31Ebenezer Scrooge.
11:34Do you know me?
11:39Not for one lonely schoolboy.
11:41Ebenezer Scrooge.
11:44Do you know that boy?
11:58Yes, yes, I do.
12:00It is I as a boy.
12:03Oh, I remember that Christmas well.
12:07I felt so lonely.
12:10My playmates, they didn't like me.
12:13It was because you had shunned them?
12:26Oh, poor boy.
12:29I wish...
12:30What is the matter?
12:32There was a boy singing a Christmas carol on the street last night.
12:37I should have liked to have given him something, that's all.
12:41Shall I show you another Christmas 40 years ago
12:45when a fair young girl released you from your marriage contract?
12:48No, no.
12:49Because she discovered you had ceased to love her.
12:52Your greed, avarice, and desire for wealth
12:55had killed the love she had for you.
12:57No, no, spirit, show me no more.
13:01Oh, no, no, no.
13:03Awakening in the middle of a prodigiously tough snore
13:07and sitting up in bed to get his thoughts together,
13:10Scrooge had no occasion to be told
13:13that the bell was again upon the stroke of one.
13:44I am the ghost of Christmas presents.
13:46Look upon me.
13:48Yes, spirit.
13:50Conduct me where you will.
13:52I went forth last night uncomplaining.
13:55Conduct me where you will.
13:57I went forth last night uncomplaining
14:00and I learned a lesson which is working now.
14:03Tonight, if you have ought to teach me,
14:06let me profit by it.
14:09Touch my robe.
14:21Belinda, bring the plates.
14:23I'm so bad at cleaning the dishes.
14:25Belinda, there's a great deal of work to be done.
14:27Help your sister.
14:28Let me, you get the spoon.
14:30I came by outside. I could smell the sage.
14:32I'm so bad at cleaning the dishes.
14:34I'm so bad at cleaning the dishes.
14:36I'm so bad at cleaning the dishes.
14:38Let me, you get the spoon.
14:39I came by outside.
14:40I could smell the sage and the onion.
14:42You knew it was off?
14:43Oh, I certainly did, boy.
14:45Peter, set the chairs.
14:46Can I put some chestnuts on the fire, Mother?
14:48No, your father will do that when he comes.
14:50What has gotten your precious father?
14:52And your brother, Tiny Tim?
14:54And Marshall wasn't as late last year by half an hour.
14:58This is the house of your clerk, Bob Cratchit.
15:01But he has hardly a penny to his name.
15:04I, the ghost of Christmas presents,
15:06have blessed his house.
15:08Here comes Bob now with another member of his family,
15:11Tiny Tim.
15:13And a Merry Christmas, everybody.
15:15Merry Christmas.
15:18And there you are, Tiny Tim,
15:20right in your own chair.
15:21Merry Christmas, Bob.
15:22And Martha.
15:23Yes, here I am again.
15:25Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Martha coming to visit us.
15:28And how did Tiny Tim behave today, Bob?
15:32He told me coming home that he was glad he'd been to church
15:35and pleasant to remember that the day is called Christmas
15:38after he who made the lame to walk
15:40and the blind to see.
15:43What a beautiful Christmas table.
15:46It would be more beautiful if we had a turkey.
15:48But we'll manage.
15:49Of course we will.
15:52See what a happy family your clerk has
15:54on only 15 shillings a week.
15:56Tiny Tim.
15:58I didn't know he was sick and a cripple.
16:03Mr. Scrooge.
16:04I give you Mr. Scrooge, the founder of the feast.
16:07The founder of the feast, indeed.
16:09I wish I had him here.
16:10I'd give him a piece of my mind to feast upon.
16:12My dear, it's Christmas Day.
16:14It should be Christmas Day, I'm sure,
16:16when one drinks the health of such an odious,
16:18stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge.
16:21My dear, it's Christmas.
16:23Very well.
16:24I'll drink his health for your sake
16:26and because it's Christmas.
16:28Long life to him.
16:29A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
16:32A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
16:35God bless us, everyone.
16:44Tell me, Tiny Tim, will he live?
16:48I see a vacant seat and a little crutch without an owner.
16:51No, say he will be spared.
16:55My life on the globe is very brief.
16:57It ends tonight.
16:59The time is drawing near for me to go
17:01and for your third visitor to appear.
17:19I am in the presence of the ghost of Christmas yet to come.
17:25Ghost of the future,
17:26I fear you more than any specter I have seen.
17:30But lead on.
17:31I want to know.
17:57I met a very kind young man today who asked after you.
18:00Mr. Scrooge's nephew, whom I scarcely know.
18:02I told him about Tiny Tim and he said,
18:04I'm heartily sorry for you and your good wife.
18:07Part of by how he ever knew that, I don't know.
18:09Knew what, dear?
18:10That you were a good wife.
18:11Oh, everyone knows that.
18:13And he said, if I can be of any service to you at any time,
18:16pray come to me.
18:18He's rather unlike his old uncle Scrooge, isn't he?
18:25If you must torment me, be quick.
18:27Take me to what else you have to show.
18:40I don't know much about it either.
18:42I only know he's dead.
18:43When did he die?
18:44Last night, I believe.
18:45What had he done with his money?
18:47I haven't heard.
18:48But he'll have no use for it where he's going.
18:50It's likely to be a cheap funeral.
18:52Upon my life, I don't know anyone to go to it.
18:55Suppose we make up a party and volunteer.
18:58When I come to think of it, I'm not at all sure
19:00that I wasn't his most particular friend.
19:02For we used to stop and speak whenever we met.
19:05I don't mind going to his funeral if lunch is provided.
19:12Tell me what man they are speaking of.
19:15Who is it that lies dead?
19:35No, hear me.
19:37I am not the man I was.
19:39Assure me I yet may change the shadows you have shown me.
19:43I will honor Christmas in my heart
19:46and try to keep it all the year.
19:48Tell me I may sponge away the writing on this stone.
20:02Jacob Marley!
20:04Heaven and Christmastime be praised for this.
20:07I will live in the past, the present, and the future.
20:10The spirit of all three shall thrive within me.
20:23Boy, oh boy!
20:24Yes, sir?
20:25What's today?
20:26What, sir?
20:27What's today, my fine fellow?
20:30My Christmas Day, sir.
20:32It's still Christmas?
20:34And I haven't missed it?
20:35Ha ha ha!
20:47For a man who had been out of practice for years,
20:50Scrooge gave a most illustrious laugh.
20:53The father of a long line of brilliant laughs.
20:58Ha ha ha!
21:14And Scrooge dressed himself all in his best
21:17and at last got out into the streets
21:19wishing everyone he met a Merry Christmas.
21:23Mr. Fred!
21:24Come in, come in!
21:25Ah, Mr. Fred, have you room at your table for some friends?
21:27Very welcome, Mr. Fred, sir.
21:28And you too, ma'am.
21:29I only hope that our lonely feast is to your liking.
21:32Now, don't fret about provisions.
21:33We've brought plenty for all.
21:35Merry Christmas, Bob!
21:37Mr. Scrooge!
21:38And Mrs. Cratchit, for you.
21:40Mr. Scrooge!
21:41My dear, that's for you.
21:44Charlie, for you.
21:46For me?
21:47And you, sir.
21:48Oh, Mr. Scrooge, I don't know how we can ever thank you.
21:52And I'm going to raise your salary
21:54and help your large family in every way possible.
21:57And, Tiny Tim,
22:00I saw a friend of mine at church just a little while ago,
22:04a famous surgeon.
22:06You and I are going to see him tomorrow
22:09and he's going to be your friend, too.
22:12Mr. Scrooge!
22:14Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge!
22:16Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge!
22:17Merry Christmas, Mr. Scrooge!
22:20Scrooge won his word.
22:22He did it all and infinitely more.
22:25And to Tiny Tim, who did not die,
22:28he was a second father.
22:30Scrooge had no further dealings with ghosts,
22:34but it was always said that he knew how to keep Christmas well
22:38if any man alive possessed the knowledge.
22:41May it truly be said of us,
22:44and all of us.
22:46And so, as Tiny Tim observed,
22:49God bless us, everyone.
22:52The first Noel the angel did say
22:59Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay
23:05In fields as they lay keeping their sheep
23:12On a cold winter's night that was so deep
23:19Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
23:27Born is the King of Israel
23:35And there it is, lo, stop and say
23:42Right over the place where Jesus lay
23:49Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
23:58Born is the King of Israel
24:05And entered in there wise and free
24:13So reverently upon their knee
24:20And offered there his presence
24:27Their golden birth and frankincense
24:34Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
24:43Born is the King of Israel