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  • 3 years ago
00:00There is no doubt that Russia has a place, I mean, in view of the big role it occupies in the Security Council and the role it represents globally.
00:08But the Arab countries
00:10How do you look at Russia? Do the Arab countries count on their relationship with Russia
00:15to make any difference in the international files or the Arab files that
00:23is being discussed on a global level, or does it not benefit a lot from this Russian role?
00:37Dr. Ahmed, can you hear me?
00:41Yes, I hear you, Professor, yes, all the parts directed to him. Yes, yes, I was asking you, do the Arab countries rely on their relationship with Russia in resolving the Arab issues
00:51at the international level, in view of the position that Russia represents in the Security Council
00:56And also worldwide?
01:01Actually, I am always inclined to self-effort. First, the Arab project itself, the countries, the position, the Arab countries from the issues first
01:11And then the spirit of the great powers. Without a doubt, Russia is a major country and a member of the Security Council,
01:19But, I mean, we want Russia to make its position more
01:29a stronger and more solid force in addition to the Arab right in Palestine,
01:34as well as the plots that are being plotted against the Arab countries within the framework of
01:43What the United States of America calls
01:46New engineering for the new Middle East,
01:48and ambitions in the Arab wealth as well as planting sedition. Now, colonial countries do not plan to sow sedition in the Arab countries, including ethnic, religious, sectarian, etc.
02:00And we want Arab friends
02:03In the future, to be more assertive
02:07Doctor's vision for this file is clear. I would like to remind you that thank you very much Dr. Ahmed Shukri, political science professor at the University of Algeria, you were with me from Algeria
02:19Also, thank you to my guest from Moscow. Mr. Kevork Myrdian, associate professor of media at the Financial University of the Russian government, thank you very much.
02:29If our second file is finished, close and you don't carry the third son after a short break, don't go away
02:43Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:50Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.