President Biden Visits Tornado-Torn Kentucky

  • 3 years ago
President Biden Visits , Tornado-Torn Kentucky.
President Biden Visits , Tornado-Torn Kentucky.
CNN reports President Joe Biden
visited Kentucky on December 15 to
survey the devastation left in the wake of the deadly tornadoes that recently ravaged the state.
CNN reports President Joe Biden
visited Kentucky on December 15 to
survey the devastation left in the wake of the deadly tornadoes that recently ravaged the state.
Meeting with local authorities,
Biden said he was shocked with what he
saw on an aerial tour of the damage.
Meeting with local authorities,
Biden said he was shocked with what he
saw on an aerial tour of the damage.
The president was reportedly
"amazed" at the community's response
in the aftermath of the tornadoes.
The president was reportedly
"amazed" at the community's response
in the aftermath of the tornadoes.
People just come out of nowhere to help as a community, and that's what it's supposed to be. That's what America's supposed to be. , President Joe Biden, via CNN.
People just come out of nowhere to help as a community, and that's what it's supposed to be. That's what America's supposed to be. , President Joe Biden, via CNN.
There's no
red tornadoes
or blue tornadoes. , President Joe Biden, via CNN.
The president reassured residents that the federal government would be there to help them rebuild the storm-ravaged communities of Kentucky.
The president reassured residents that the federal government would be there to help them rebuild the storm-ravaged communities of Kentucky.
I've instructed my team to make you all aware of everything that is available from a federal level. , President Joe Biden, via CNN.
I've instructed my team to make you all aware of everything that is available from a federal level. , President Joe Biden, via CNN.
According to CNN, 88 or more were killed in
storms that occurred in parts of the Midwestern
and Southern United States on December 10.
According to CNN, 88 or more were killed in
storms that occurred in parts of the Midwestern
and Southern United States on December 10.
Officials say over 100 individuals in
Kentucky still haven't been found.
Officials say over 100 individuals in
Kentucky still haven't been found
