...حيث يملأ ماء المطر التصدعات في الكلس الت...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Rain water fills the cracks in the limestone that expand when it freezes in winter, causing large chunks to collapse into the sea
00:10This natural process causes the sea water to become Libyan
00:15Syria's two beaches of medicine are temporarily set up. In addition, storm tides in the Baltic Sea weaken the base of these slopes
00:24In the low lands. Storm surges in this area have caused severe flooding
00:31behind the victims and caused the destruction of agricultural lands.
00:35Dams and sand barriers along long stretches of the coast have been established to prevent floods.
00:43the rise in sea level increases this problem . And in a not-too-distant future,
00:49Cities like Copenhagen may be hit by floods as strong eastern winds in the Baltic Sea waters push towards the Danish shore
01:02Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:05Viking women in what we now know are Denmark, Norway and Sweden. before the establishment of these countries by centuries,
01:14The Vikings are more of a villager
01:18Almost without towns. Most of the population believed in their modest means of subsistence from farming or fishing on the coast
01:28But the development of their long ships in the eighth century enabled him to venture beyond that to conquer and plunder other lands
01:37We don't see much in the landscape of the Viking age,
01:40But what we're seeing is a series of real castles known for it.
01:46The best preserved castles so far have been called the Trillion Park,
01:51It appears on a narrow sea tongue called the Great Belt
01:56it dates back to the year nine hundred meters . And it was designed to be a clear circle in two ways
02:02Intersect me with existing angles in the engineering center, which leads to the presence of four gates that meet every two of them
02:10In all of. The four quarters, there are four long, almost identically long houses that make up a square.
02:17The entire castle was able to accommodate one thousand three hundred people,
02:22With no written evidence regarding the castle's role and work. At that time,
02:27We can only guess.
02:29Was it intended as a defense or a base to send the invasion mission or both?
02:35A tall, rebuilt house gave visitors a sense of how the Vikings lived.
02:41with the start of the invasion and trade in Europe and Russia during the eighth and ninth centuries,
02:46Local kings in Denmark started to form trade centers and formed cities known today by close names
02:57Ross. All of this and Copenhagen