...هذه الأصوات وبالفعل هناك حصلت يعني انتها...

  • 3 years ago
00:00These voices, and in fact, there have been violations of human rights in the province of Al-Afar and in the province of Al-Afar. They have sailed and are still now discovering mass graves
00:09But there was no interest, no violin, until I highlighted such issues
00:14in this matter. Of course, from a procedural point of view, unless there is cooperation from the parties to the conflict
00:20with any international investigation, he did not have any success.
00:24Yes, the UN preparation for us should also point out that he did not only talk about Ethiopia but also about the region as a whole. He hinted that hate speech and discrimination
00:36And so on, it could lead to the flare-up of the region and lead to civil wars in the whole region, I mean, what is your comment on that?
00:46Yes, there are fears of such speeches, especially between the mother, who is free and running
00:52And it's the largest nationality. No, it's the second largest nationality in Ethiopia
00:57and considers itself a target. When the commercial front tried to progress, we, the capital, it occupied some areas
01:06That's movement
01:07in which many crimes were committed against civilians and are still being discovered. This may actually fuel the conflict over identity
01:17between these parties.
01:19The other thing is that the trade round benefits from such calls because since the first moment, it tried to imagine that this conflict is not between them as a party
01:29and between the federal government and another party, but it is
01:33to exterminate the commercial people, I mean, to rally around the poetry. This is the first side, the second side
01:40want there to be an international intervention,
01:45and the only way for international intervention is to raise the slogan of humanity
01:52and humanitarian aid and others. Therefore, they benefit from this matter
01:57and are trying to
02:00give information, whether real or not, that it targets or any Ethiopian government
02:08and the allies with it will be
02:10The people of the traders see me as an identity, and therefore the West is trying to be with such calls,
02:18And the other side is the Ethiopian government
02:21are trying to highlight the issue as if it is an issue of rebellion by a party against the state in which it is.
02:30especially that the Ethiopian government, including the Defense Minister, is one of the sons of
02:35experimenting from the commercial nationalism, it is difficult, from the Ethiopian official governmental point of view
02:41to be such invitations because they are famous in the end
02:45And all the Ethiopian people. Yes, thank you very much for your participation with us in the bulletin of the researcher in the affairs of the Horn of Africa. abdul rahman as sayyid
02:57Our bulletin continues and that