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  • 3 years ago
00:00Here we are talking about the United States to talk about Russia. We are talking about Turkey. So, it is a problematic issue
00:08controlling and controlling the sale of weapons in the European way that Germany wants is a lost issue for
00:15To the French. I believe that such topics will be among the fundamental differences
00:24and political between Berlin and Paris. Paris-Berlin Axis
00:29will suffer from such disputes, which are borne by a minister who came from the GreenS
00:37And she doesn't want it perfect
00:40You want to see the world without weapons, and you want to
00:43to limit the margin of maneuvering the arms sellers to the world because it believes in its ideological conviction that this
00:51It will contribute to world peace and stability and will not encourage war. But this conviction will collide
00:58in the French reality, which says that the sale of
01:03these weapons and these deals on the national sovereign level, and will also clash with the Turkish desire to penetrate this market in a bigger way.
01:12Dr. Burhan, I mean, if it happened, I do not say that
01:18So suggestions. But the mere European thought of linking the issue of arms sales
01:23in terms of conflict, conflict, and moral policy, which we know
01:29its details or where it comes from. Can this give Turkey a larger space for the military industries that it started to enter with force
01:38especially in the issue of Druze and its uses in Nagorno-Karabakh and Ukraine and many conflicts in the region
01:48I mean, first, for example, Turkey takes into account, of course, the ethical conditions for these matters. for example
01:55using lessons in our souls electricity of course it was
02:00occupied by Germany. Therefore, Azerbaijan had the right to defend its national territory. Therefore, Turkey supported
02:10this Azerbaijani position, as well as in Ukraine, of course
02:15problems in eastern Ukraine and there are separatists. Therefore, Turkey was
02:23the agreement. Ukraine's Turkey is old. Ukraine also provides Turkey
02:28inaudible] engines. Therefore, this agreement existed, but Turkey's position, for example, with regard to the occupation of Russia,
02:36Of course, the Ukrainian Crimean island is a position of principle, therefore, it must be respected.
02:44As for the Turkish-Russian relations, they are objective and objective, but the security system also has a lot of its right here in this
02:56major powers, I mean, this was my question in the first place.