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  • 3 years ago
00:00Anastasia, we'd like to understand from you if Russia and China already have
00:06the possibility of a financial system facing
00:10American dollar. Do they really have the capacity for this matter?
00:19Good evening. There is no talk about
00:26a new alternative currency and a competition for the dollar .
00:31the issue set by the two governments is, first of all, trying to find this financial system which
00:40through which trade exchange can be conducted between the two countries
00:46through the unified currency and not through the dollar. This is only
00:53Tool or lever to move
00:57Activating relationships. trade exchange between Russia and China, but the talk
01:05They overestimate that we want to create a currency
01:09a competition for the dollar . aren't there such issues ?
01:14There was no specific talk about finding a currency, but there was talk about a financial system. How do we understand that?
01:24What is the actual mechanism to achieve this
01:26Or this system?
01:32such tools, the financial system, the tools that
01:39are working to activate this financial system.
01:43For example, there was also trade with Iran when Iran
01:49under the US sanctions and European sanctions. There was
01:54such a system of exchanging and using ruble, brigade or local currencies
02:00to barter some goods and not to trade in the international field and through other countries.
02:10In other words, banks receive the currency
02:14the ruble. There is no doubt that this financial system will be successful, but the most important thing for these
02:23Financial system
02:25the volume of trade exchange, which is about two hundred billion dollars, so we can understand what it is
02:34they are the main participants
02:36in these exchanges. I think that this issue, the issue of the new financial system, is easy to verify.
02:45But I repeat that this financial system is only allocated for trade exchange
02:52between Russia and China and the countries that may have imposed sanctions and could be developed.