...المصالح الايرانية...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Iranian interests
00:04As for this entity, we know very well that it cannot, I mean, I can tell you that it is almost impossible
00:12To do such a solo job
00:15In practice, he needs American protection and American support in order to carry out such an act. Of course
00:23We can say these maneuvers
00:26It is also a sign for the US to be aware that the Iranians are ready even to face the American.
00:35There's also another topic. Maybe him too
00:40In the context of this talk, the Zionist entity will not be able to attack Iran without crossing the skies of the countries of the region.
00:49I don't know where
00:51a place that wants to cross, but today, even what we hear is that he says that
00:58will coordinate from the countries of the region to attack Iran,
01:03We do not know who these countries are ready to cooperate with the Zionist entity to confront Iran, but of course
01:13Well, a country, I mean, I think that the world is looking for
01:17When the Iranian refused, yes, the world is now looking for a reassuring signal and assurances on extending the hand of real cooperation and also on assurances that Iran
01:26willing to make this peace in the world through its talks in Vienna.
01:31What is happening now in Iran is incompatible with this matter. What Iran is offering is more
01:37from military threats, provide more military exercises that send messages
01:43negative whether for the region or even for the world
01:49No, military maneuvers are not negative messages. In fact, all the armies of the world are carrying out military maneuvers
01:57and always in this region, I mean, every day in this region
02:01You see, there are sensitive circumstances, I mean, perhaps if it wanted any army or any military force in this region
02:11to carry out military maneuvers and select a day that is not a sensitive day.
02:16you cannot find a day in the year that is not sensitive, but of course here is the Zionist entity that wants to fuel
02:25the conditions in this region and stirring up sedition and war in this region.
02:29all what we have been separated from the result of the Vienna negotiations, and the Zionist entity confirmed that we are progressing from
02:38to reach a result in these negotiations.
02:41I think that the Zionist entity will try its best to abort the Vienna negotiations if it can not defeat it in a political way
02:51to carry out a military action
02:53It ignites the war in this region so that the Vienna is not allowed.