...قبل سنة ألفين وإحدى عشر كان يعمل فني تصل...

  • 3 years ago
00:00before two thousand eleven he used to work as a repair technician
00:04cameras, and after 2011, considering that he is from the city of Zintan, he was appointed in one of the companies.
00:13OK, I mean, the joint administration? I am talking a lot about the north of the board of directors of the Syrian company,
00:20But I understand the idea of the existence of differences and conflicts within the institutions and some of them.
00:26In fact, this applies to all the problems in Libya, all the scenes in Libya, the political scene,
00:32the electoral scene, the security scene, and even what you are saying with regard to the oil institution. But the question today is: Will Libya bear these huge economic losses?
00:42Three hundred thousand barrels of oil per day were lost on Libya, and it is the one that needs now
00:47and in dire need of all the economic resources that it can obtain.
00:56Madam, in Libya, there is no ideological or sectarian dispute, it is a dispute over resources. I put this on the back burner
01:05to communicate the idea and to communicate the numbers
01:08in figures, I have statistics that are stable and documented
01:12In terms of numbers, I will talk about the conflict of resources and the conflict that preceded the state treasury when we talk about the meta company
01:19And when I stepped in, I mean, the person in charge of the Meta company has nothing to do with the management of the oil companies and has nothing to do with it
01:28a background in the management of the institutions or even in the oil work.
01:32We're talking about that MlT in the near future will have contracts worth six billion dollars.
01:40This is the budget that was allocated to Mlita
01:43in partnership with Eni and the National Petroleum Corporation to develop and explore
01:51the offshore oil and gas industry. Today, there is a technical team
01:56He does studies and research in London. That means… that means it
02:01it is true and what is local with you. I also have to confirm and point out that the discussion in this issue in particular
02:10This dispute that you mentioned,
02:12He's pulling other files. let me take an example with you . The issue of the Libyan elections today means possibilities or opportunities. deferment
02:20it is much bigger than the holding of the Libyan elections on the date that is originally. Four days away
02:25there is no final list of candidates , no logistical preparations or on the ground for holding the elections . There's a very big security challenge
02:33I am surrounded by Libyan institutions, government headquarters and institutions.
02:37Today, who will be the decision-maker in the issue of postponing or holding the Libyan elections? Is it the election commission? Is it the House of Representatives?
02:45Is it the Presidential Council? Is it the government
02:48Whose decision is this? where is the center here ?
02:55Yes, Professor, this is a very big question, but I