...طويلة لأنه هو عبارة عن دواء يأخذ الانسان...

  • 3 years ago
00:00long because it is a medicine that takes a person
00:05To prevent their Horseman's movement
00:10Therefore, it takes a long time for what is happening at a certain time, but there are medicines for this issue that are given orally.
00:18But what the study found is that giving this drug, in addition to some medicines that are given through the mouth
00:26reduces the infection rate to about seventy to ninety percent. Therefore
00:32is much more effective than the existing medicines.
00:36Therefore, these injections are considered really long-term, I mean, they are given within two months after the first two times
00:46within a month after he managed in two months,
00:49Therefore, the presence of medicine inside the human body
00:52remains for a longer period of time. Therefore, there is no need to take medicines, some other medicines that were taken by humans
01:00by mouth, in addition to increasing the possibility of preventing infection in these people.
01:11OK, doctor, who are the people who are more exposed to this virus
01:19and some people have lifestyles that lead to increasing infection, for example, homosexuals
01:26or i mean the people who might be
01:30They have an increase in some sexual habits with
01:39The men and her
01:42Most of these are the roads that lead to the transition
01:47of the virus or perhaps some of those who work in the field of
01:54sexual work. Therefore, those are the ones who take these medicines.
02:01Well, is there anyone who has these rights available to everyone and whose price is higher than the people? I mean, everyone
02:12Very good question. Rasha is available to everyone. It is available to everyone, but through filters, I mean, a person cannot go down to the floor
02:22a French man or a pharmacy, and he asks and gives. Therefore, you need to describe him through
02:28Doctors and doctors. as for darfur wt or the price .
02:36I mean, most of these medicines are covered in the United States through the people or through
02:42Insurance companies. I do not know about the other areas, but
02:50First of all, I don't know about the price. the army i mean i have no idea about
02:54medicines, but usually these medicines went to rest.