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  • 3 years ago
00:00Welcome aboard. Despite the fact that less than two months have passed since the signing of the political agreement, sources close to the Sudanese Prime Minister Abdullah Hamad revealed
00:08his intention to resign from his post within twenty four hours.
00:12The sources said to Al-Sharq that Hamdoun's selfishness comes as a result of the lack of consensus among the Sudanese parties.
00:19It added that he was seeking to reach this consensus by signing the political agreement with Al-Barhan
00:25but the matter faltered with the political forces .
00:29a few days after the signing of the political agreement in Sudan. Circles started to talk about the signs of an undeclared dispute between the military and civilian components
00:39indicated by Hamad's review. The majority of the decisions of proof and retreat were many of them
00:44We continue
00:46In Sudan, there is a political agreement after which it indicates the dispute. The first signs came in the form of a decision by Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdoun K
00:54to open an investigation on the registered violations against the demonstrators
00:58who have been out on the streets since the 25th of October in rejection of the resolutions of proof. On the same day, Hamad K
01:07Review of appointments and exemptions
01:09carried out by Al-Barhan after October 25th in key positions in the state and its administrative bodies. As Hamdoon directed the next day
01:18the cancellation of the movements and appointments in the Sudanese government units
01:22and the recorder after October 25th as well
01:25Two days later, Police Director General and Deputy Director General of Police Wilhelm Chark, without revealing the statement issued by his office
01:33about the background of this decision. It didn't stop there.
01:37The following month, Hamad issued an order to replace all those in charge of the affairs of the provinces
01:43who were appointed by the army commander Abdul Fattah Al-Barhan and assigned new secretaries-general to manage the 18 states in Sudan
01:51Among them is the capital Khartoum.
01:54The next day, sources in the East said that the Sudanese circles are waiting for a decision from Prime Minister Abdullah
02:00Duke to reappoint the ambassadors who have been relieved of their posts, in conjunction with a review of the decisions of the special proof
02:09to appoint the deputies of a number of ministries
02:20In Libya, presidential candidates met in Benghazi to discuss how to save an electoral process at a time when the political crisis in the country is worsening.
02:30The candidates discussed how to save the crisis electoral process.
02:35although it aims to help end the violence and chaos that the country has been witnessing for ten years.
02:45Libya's elections are facing several crises and challenges since the opening of the door of nomination. This escalating atmosphere in the street reflected on the future of the elections
02:55At the end of October, the election commission announced.