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  • 3 years ago
00:00Israel has expressed its readiness to resume talks between Israel and Hamas in negotiations on a prisoner exchange deal after Jewish holidays.
00:08But the hope that the talks will return to normal
00:11She stumbled significantly on September 18th, after escaping from prison prisoners who brought her in
00:18and the subsequent Israeli attacks against the prisoners in the occupation prisons on the 18th of November. Israeli media revealed
00:27about holding talks between Tel Aviv and Cairo
00:31In order to forge a new deal for a prisoner exchange deal. the israeli newspaper said that the expected deal between hamas and tel aviv
00:40was the subject of intensive discussion during the visit of the Israeli security delegation to Egypt
00:46December 21st. The website reported that the Israeli Defense Ministry is working on drafting a new proposal
00:54in an attempt to keep the talks with Hamas going
00:58And avoid closing the prisoner exchange file once and for all
01:12in light of the decline in gas stockpiles in Europe. Urgent gas contract prices continue to rise
01:19Gas contracts in Europe recorded about two thousand dollars per thousand cubic meters for the first time.
01:24According to the data of Inter Quentin Yen Tal XSheng, a US firm.
01:33With the intensification of frost and the decline in production, Europe is facing a shortage in energy, which led to an increase in demand and a rise in prices
01:39At a time when supplies cannot keep up with the increase in demand. We continue
01:46The signs of the gas crisis in Europe have started to appear since the beginning of this year, according to the figures of the European Commission. In a report issued last July,
01:56confirmed that gas consumption rose by 7.6%
02:00in the first quarter on an annual basis to reach 141 billion cubic meters. In the face of this rise in consumption
02:10the production level dropped to 11% on an annual basis
02:15in the first quarter of this year, where it reached only thirteen billion cubic meters.
02:23Despite declining production and increasing demand,
02:26Imports also declined in the first quarter of this year, as the total net gas imports outside the European Union
02:34seventy eight billion cubic meters
02:37down to three percent on an annual basis. For the Europeans, Russia remains the largest supplier of natural gas,
02:46where it provided about forty five percent of the gas imports in the first quarter of this year.
02:52According to data collected by Eurostat, which is responsible for statistics within the European Union, all of this