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  • 3 years ago
00:00There's no doubt at the time, to convince him not to go
00:03or approach Europe, but the Ukrainian people did not agree to that. And when Lukashenko lost ground
00:12Mr. Putin
00:15entered eastern Ukraine and annexed Crimea, and decided after that
00:25that he does not want the Russian gas to pass through Ukraine and started
00:33development of the Nour Train To project that passes through Germany
00:38and thus avoid gas passing through Ukraine. So, he has a problem with Ukraine, and in general, the Ukrainian people
00:47does not want to be part of Russia. It wants to be
00:51part of the West, and this must be the decision of the Ukrainian people and these are my long works. Of course, Ukraine will not be
01:00part of the European Union overnight. as for joining NATO, there is a long process
01:08the country is going through, and because there is a serious discussion about that.
01:15So Mr. Putin is hinting that Ukraine is about to join NATO and that the United States will send
01:23weapons threaten moscow . So this is it
01:30the things that we used to see in Europe in previous centuries, when a country decided to
01:36take another country and mobilized hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the Ukrainian border. Mr. Putin
01:44who has, we are hiding his soldiers stationed on the Ukrainian border and we are talking about a doctor. Let us follow up on these positions in the last hours for the Russian side.
02:01Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia will consider the expansion of NATO towards its borders or consider that
02:10Red line override. Lavrov added that the United States
02:15showed preparations to start dialogue with Russia on security guarantees.
02:20He also said that the Russian proposals must be studied
02:25in the framework of the work of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Go to our guest from Washington? If
02:35To begin with, to understand what the vision of the United States is
02:39for all these Russian statements? Does the United States really see it as a real pressure for
02:48to subject Washington to the Russian demands or what?
02:57It calls for E.D. Egypt to come from here.