...إن الحوار مع الشعب مسألة مطلوبة ولكن هذا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Dialogue with the people is a required issue, but this dialogue must also include the parties
00:06political, civil, social and national figures supporting actions
00:12or the evening of July 25th, in order to ensure our country's participation in drafting and putting
00:21legal system
00:25and a constitution, but excuse me, these parties are popular and they had presence, deputies and blocs in the parliament
00:32You can't, with a pen jar like that, half of every tribute in value and symbolism
00:37Certainly, we are in favor of the measures of July 25, and the President demanded that there be a dialogue
00:47and the partnership with the parties supporting the path of twenty five soldiers.
00:52I know that it is not the right of those who demanded that those who claimed that they were the ones who claimed that it happened on the twenty five soldiers
01:00a coup against the constitution
01:02There is no sense in being involved in drafting, but excuse me, it is logical to talk about how not with the coalition what it is like
01:11There is no point in the dialogue. It is not an addition
01:16Those who want to have a dialogue with the people will put forward all the measures to the popular referendum, and the presence of my people should
01:25That passes through the people and can turn all of it. If he has the power
01:30the popular party can reject the procedures and return to the constitution of 2014 in that case. In that case
01:36We will return to the role of the organizations and the position of the Union later on.
01:40Let us, Mr. Selene, try to stay in this dialogue with and against. I will get back to you Mr. Jallassi. President Said is talking about a consultation
01:49Popular and referendum
01:51and the legitimacy elections are participated in by everyone who belongs to and does not belong to the parties. I am also their right. Isn't that a way? partnership
02:00Fair? In my opinion
02:03We need to know who's speaking there.
02:10There are parties
02:13You want to stick to and get close to talking.
02:18There are also organizations close to it that are talking,
02:22But unfortunately
02:24She expresses her wishes and hopes.
02:29What is the status of reservations with the parties that are close to Commander Said and did not get excited about the procedures
02:36and the Tunisians are not enthusiastic now
02:40Who are they with Happy Measures? Who do I have? I am with the coup and those who are against it, as if
02:48the patriots are now my workers with the coup and others. What limited this, the opponents say in kind
02:55they believe that the situation is safe and remote. They did not stand against the procedures