...رئيس بايدن ذلك . هذا يشكل قلقا في دول أخ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00President Biden that. This is a concern in other countries,
00:04I believe that the situation in the United States affects the world's markets, but it is still too early.
00:12There are some encouraging signs that the strain is not as bad as the previous strains, so we may be able to continue with our lives and the economy
00:22With running this
00:24The shape-shifter. But even though it's different from Delta, it's still a concern
00:30Well, can we say today that with the beginning of the new year, if things remain as they are until the end of the year, we can see rally in the markets taking advantage
00:42to the current levels and declines that took place during the past period on a group of shares?
00:54I am. - Yes
00:57We should wait and see. Now it looks like it's gonna happen on me, especially if he plans
01:06President Biden is usually on the table and inflation rates decline, but currently we do not know the situation.
01:14supply chains are improving, but there is still pressure on them. Therefore, there may be
01:21Raleigh, but in general, I do not think that the situation will be as good as last year or the previous year,
01:30If only known names will have a good performance at the end of the year.
01:37OK, do you think that, in the current picture, the current scene of inflation? Can inflation drop significantly next year and still
01:48the same problems that caused the presence of this inflation are still present and specialists expect that
01:56Supply chain bottlenecks or the energy crisis in Europe will remain. I am
02:06You already understand
02:09At this point. So the situation worsened with the virus, and there was a shortage in the labor force, and the factories are not returning to their capabilities
02:19In full, there will be inflation due to the imbalance of supply and demand. Hopefully it won't get worse with the virus.
02:29The labour market maintains its position without any deterioration in the situation. But if that happens, we can expect inflation to rise again, putting pressure on interest rates.
02:41But it's still early. We must monitor the information or data over the next few weeks to see
02:49How to manage the balance between supply and demand and three to supply
02:54Center Sharjah and the head of the research department in Manhattan, Van Sher Tov News, thank you very much.