...وما يقارب خمسمئة حالة وفاة بأزمة قلبية ه...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Nearly 500 deaths from a heart attack are due to traffic noise.
00:08Death by noise.
00:10Parents scientists can prove that completely because noise leaves a mark on the body Particles appear in the blood of biological mechanisms
00:20How our health has been affected by noise over the years
00:26To find molecules, you have to have the ability to save things. There's a frozen treasure
00:34It's in the basement of the University of Basel
00:36The basis of long-term studies dates back to ten, twenty and thirty years.
00:42It's been studied by scientists from all walks of life for years.
00:48The cause of our illness is linked to old reactions to survival that cannot be eliminated.
00:57Loud noises trigger an alarm in our bodies, even if we're aware of them
01:05I have the body of choice. Either he fights the noise
01:08Or if the stressor reappears in New York, he will react to the escape and the body will try to ignore it, which is called the effect of habit.
01:18It could be dangerous
01:20Because the body reacts as if it's under constant stress, causing cardiovascular disease. It's possible that even though he didn't look into it after he caused dementia.
01:35What happens inside the organism during the noise?
01:41Adrenal glands secrete stress hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline,
01:47Which prepares the body to fight or escape.
01:52it pumps fat and sugar reserves in the blood in order to save energy. It also closes the immune system
02:00The heart is ostracized faster and blood pressure rises.
02:04These reactions occur even during sleep, and the organism can't ignore the noise
02:13Even if he wanted to. In fact, traffic noises don't just hurt health.
02:18Because when we're nervous, we can also be nervous without feeling it. Traffic noise stimulates struggling reactions
02:28Even without even noticing it
02:31the report of Abbo, spokesman for the oldest initiatives for citizens in Hamburg. Members fight noise and ridiculous noise regulation rules
02:41Twenty-six years ago.
02:44Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:46they live behind noise barriers on this road, which was built through residential areas in the seventies.
02:53The neighborhoods were torn apart and there was no point in controlling the noise at the time.