Woman Sets Fire To Boyfriends Ex-Wifes Letterbox For Not Signing Divorce Papers.mp4

  • 3 years ago
This is the moment a woman lights a rag and pushes it through her boyfriend’s ex-wife’s letterbox because she would not sign divorce papers.

The Northumbria Police shared an image of the woman on Twitter on 23rd December: “Chloe Shotton will spend Christmas behind bars after she was caught on CCTV pushing a rag through a letterbox before setting it alight.

“Officers made quick work of investigating the start of the blaze and she was arrested on suspicion of arson within 11 minutes of the 999 call”

In a Facebook post, the Northumbria Police posted footage of the moment Shotton set fire to the rag and shoved it through the victim’s letterbox.

In a statement, the police said: “An arsonist who was caught on camera setting fire to her partner’s ex-wife’s home has been jailed.

“Emergency crews were called to an address in North Shields in the early hours of July 31 after the occupant of the house awoke to find her fire alarms blaring and hall filled with smoke.
“Our officers made quick work of investigating the start of the blaze – and were greatly assisted after the resident’s CCTV had recorded the culprit committing the offence.

“Shotton, 23, of Hartside Crescent, Backworth, was identified and arrested on suspicion of arson within 11 minutes of the 999 call.

“She was charged on the same day and remanded in custody.

“And, on Wednesday she was sentenced to three-and-a-half years behind bars at Newcastle Crown Court after admitting arson with intent to endanger life.

“She was also handed a lifetime restraining order preventing her from making contact with her victim.”

December 23, 2021
North Shields, ENGLAND
Source: Northumbria Police

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