00:01:29Don't forget about tonight.
00:02:05Just a minute.
00:02:09You won't need your car tonight, Mr. Reynolds.
00:02:12You're coming with us.
00:02:20What is this, a kidnapping?
00:02:22Nearly a little social visit.
00:02:25This way, please.
00:03:02Yes, what can I do for you?
00:03:04Mr. Oliver?
00:03:06You will come with us.
00:03:10Come with you? What for?
00:03:13That you will soon learn.
00:03:35You will come with us.
00:03:37Yes, you are.
00:03:49But I'm not working on the formula.
00:03:52Lying would do you no good, Mr. Oliver.
00:03:55It's very dangerous.
00:03:57I'm not lying.
00:03:58I'm telling you the truth.
00:04:00Who is working on formula 311 besides yourself?
00:04:04Is it Norton or Philly?
00:04:07I don't know.
00:04:09I've told you a thousand times, I don't know.
00:04:14Someone in the new lean chemical plant is working on the formula.
00:04:19Who is it?
00:04:21I don't know.
00:04:22I don't know!
00:04:24And why did Mr. Reynolds say that either you, Norton or Philly were working on it?
00:04:29Reynolds is wrong.
00:04:31I'm not working on 311.
00:04:33Norton and Philly may be working on it.
00:04:35I'm not even in that department.
00:04:36I'm hoping he can tell you that.
00:04:45All right, Mr. Oliver.
00:04:48I believe you are telling the truth.
00:04:51Thank you for coming here.
00:04:53Heinrich, turn on the light.
00:04:58Danke schön, Heinrich.
00:05:03See that our good friend gets safely home.
00:05:10You mean I can go home?
00:05:17Please accept my apologies for this inconvenience.
00:05:22This way, please.
00:05:54So, Herr Heinrich, Oliver is already home.
00:05:58And so quickly too, Captain Gimler.
00:06:03Did Carl Schmidt send the dossiers on this Norton and Philly?
00:06:06Yes, complete.
00:06:07Good. Let me have them, please.
00:06:09I must lose no time.
00:06:26This Robert Norton might be rather difficult to do business with, Heinrich.
00:06:30He has no bad habit.
00:06:32He's very studious.
00:06:34An exceptionally hard-working young man.
00:06:37His family?
00:06:39Norton, unfortunately.
00:06:41How about their fielding?
00:06:49Fielding's record is much more interesting.
00:06:52It will be easier to persuade, I think.
00:06:57He is inclined to be a trifle headstrong.
00:07:01Gambles occasionally.
00:07:04Spends many of his evenings in bars.
00:07:07He is perhaps then attracted to women.
00:07:10Attracted is hardly the word, Heinrich.
00:07:13A work for the band would be extremely difficult, Captain.
00:07:17Were it not that most men have the same weakness for a pretty face and a pretty figure.
00:07:24What about his family?
00:07:27A mother and a sister to whom he is very much attached.
00:07:32His sister, Nancy, is private secretary to Franklin Prescott,
00:07:38head of the New Lean Chemical Corporation.
00:07:41That is good.
00:07:45Give me operator gate three.
00:07:58Hello, Mr. Fielding.
00:08:00Hello, Mac.
00:08:01How's everything down at the plant?
00:08:03Oh, couldn't be better.
00:08:04Getting on high all the time.
00:08:06That's fine.
00:08:07What are you going to have?
00:08:09Oh, bourbon and soda.
00:08:17Come, Linda, or we will be late.
00:08:20I told you, Heinrich, I would not go with you.
00:08:23I do not care for your friends.
00:08:25But they expect you.
00:08:27I cannot disappoint them.
00:08:29I am sorry, Heinrich.
00:08:30It is useless to argue.
00:08:32I am not going.
00:08:33Then I shall go alone.
00:08:35I do not treat with any woman, especially in public.
00:08:41Good night.
00:08:53Good night.
00:09:20Always reliable.
00:09:22You are very kind.
00:09:24Who is willing to help a lady in distress.
00:09:27You say a very nice thing.
00:09:30How come I've never seen you around before?
00:09:33Maybe because I come from Poland.
00:09:39My family was broken up by the invasion.
00:09:43So I come to America.
00:09:47Oh, that's too bad.
00:09:50What about your family?
00:09:53My name is Fielding.
00:09:54Tom Fielding.
00:09:56I am Linda Pavlov.
00:10:00Oh, that's a cute name.
00:10:02That's intriguing.
00:10:05Tell me, does your friend get happy as easily as he gets mad?
00:10:10He is not really my friend.
00:10:12Only recently did I meet him.
00:10:15I'm glad to hear that.
00:10:17Because from now on, you and I are going to see a lot of each other.
00:10:20How about a drink?
00:10:23If okay means yes, okay.
00:10:29Mac, come here.
00:10:32Two bourbons.
00:10:46Good morning, Bob.
00:10:48What do you mean, good morning?
00:10:50It's almost noon.
00:10:52The old man will forgive me.
00:10:54Besides, I haven't been late in a long time.
00:10:56I guess you're right.
00:10:58If you weren't such a good chemist, you would have been fired a long time ago.
00:11:01I would have been fired a long time ago if it hadn't been for you, Bob.
00:11:04Of course, I will admit, I'm one of the greatest little chemists that ever balanced a test tube.
00:11:09Where did you go last night?
00:11:11Another merry-go-round?
00:11:12I'm still going around in circles.
00:11:15Boy, you ought to see what I found for myself.
00:11:17That cutest little refugee.
00:11:20From what?
00:11:21Well, now you guess.
00:11:23No, but she has the cutest little accent.
00:11:26You're not kidding.
00:11:28Where did you meet her?
00:11:29Some bar.
00:11:32And you?
00:11:33I don't know.
00:11:35Where did you meet her?
00:11:36Some bar.
00:11:38And what's wrong with that?
00:11:40Oh, nothing.
00:11:41But I just remembered that the last girl you met in the bar was going to sue you for breach of promise.
00:11:47Say, listen, Tom.
00:11:48Why don't you cut out all this foolishness and come down to Earth?
00:11:51Someday you're going to get yourself into a jam you won't be able to get out of.
00:11:55Go ahead.
00:11:56Go ahead.
00:11:57Lecture me.
00:11:58I can take it.
00:11:59Oh, I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but...
00:12:01Well, I'm just getting sick and tired of you going on year after year making the same mistakes.
00:12:07Everybody can't be as lucky as you, Bob.
00:12:10Oh, by the way, have you and Sis set the date yet?
00:12:13Can't be till after the war now.
00:12:15There's lots to be done and it won't be long before you and I'll be right in the middle of it.
00:12:19Suits me.
00:12:20I look good in a uniform.
00:12:21Meanwhile, a little fun is good for the soul.
00:12:37Mr. Prescott's office.
00:12:38Miss Fielding speaking.
00:12:39Good morning, Nancy.
00:12:42Oh, hello, Bob.
00:12:45Well, tell Prescott I'll have that report up to him early this afternoon.
00:12:51Yes, he's here, but a little to worse for wear and tear.
00:12:54But he'll probably survive.
00:12:59Will you tell him the next time he gets in at 4 o'clock in the morning that I'll be waiting for him in the rolling pin?
00:13:04Don't forget you're having dinner with us tonight.
00:13:07Goodbye, Bob.
00:13:16What you're trying to tell me, Mr. Curtis, is that Reynolds and Oliver were murdered in a direct attempt to secure information on our 311 formula.
00:13:26That's why I flew in from Washington.
00:13:29It sounds impossible.
00:13:31Now, hold on, Mr. Prescott.
00:13:34Although the bodies of Oliver and Reynolds were found miles apart without a clue on them, they both did work here as chemists, didn't they?
00:13:43Very disturbing, I must admit.
00:13:45But, uh...
00:13:46Mr. Prescott, just let me ask you a question.
00:13:50If you were an enemy of this country and you discovered we had a process, which by the simple addition of a few grams of a secret formula to a gallon of gasoline would double its power output, wouldn't you do anything in the world to get it?
00:14:04But after all, in this plant we're only working on one part of the formula.
00:14:08Charles Smith at the number one plant back east is working on the other part.
00:14:12Smith was working.
00:14:14A few days ago he quit his job and disappeared.
00:14:17And headquarters is convinced he took a copy of the formula with him.
00:14:24Why, Smith has been in the organization for years.
00:14:28Our recent investigations show that your Charles Smith is actually Professor Carl Smith of life's sake.
00:14:36Probably one of the cleverest and most unscrupulous scientific spies ever to come out of Europe.
00:14:42What you say is true.
00:14:44The situation is serious.
00:14:47Well, we've got to face the facts.
00:14:50Tell me, Mr. Prescott.
00:14:53If this formula were entirely in the hands of an enemy, could they actually make use of it?
00:14:58Undoubtedly, Smith could put it together.
00:15:01You see, Smith is, or was, working on one part of the formula.
00:15:06We on another here.
00:15:08Those two parts plus an ingredient of which this bottle is a sample, properly combined, would make 3-11.
00:15:15Pardon, sir.
00:15:17And incidentally, if that amount of 3-B-11 were improperly mixed, why, why, there's enough there to blow this building off its foundation.
00:15:28Very dangerous business clear through.
00:15:31For the time being, I can't promise you any wholesale fireworks.
00:15:34Things aren't done that way.
00:15:36However, this Kyle Smith must be apprehended at all costs.
00:15:39You're right.
00:15:40And I'll promise you that Norton and Fielding will be guarded night and day.
00:15:45Without them knowing it, of course.
00:15:47I see.
00:15:56Say, Tom, not a word of what Prescott said about Oliver and Reynolds.
00:16:00Okay, Bob.
00:16:06Hello, Bob.
00:16:07Hello, Nancy.
00:16:10Hey there, what's the matter? No breathing?
00:16:12Hello, sis.
00:16:13Come on, children, hurry up. Dinner's almost ready.
00:16:16I'm sorry, Mother, I have a date for dinner.
00:16:18Dear me, Tom, and I cook such a nice dinner, too.
00:16:21Will you just keep a sandwich in the icebox for me?
00:16:24All right, darling.
00:16:25I have to change, so I'll see you all later.
00:16:29Well, there he goes.
00:16:31Say, what kept you so late?
00:16:33Oh, gosh, I had to work, honestly.
00:16:36Well, you're so wrapped up in those chemicals of yours.
00:16:39I sure am.
00:16:40After all, you're just a bunch of chemicals yourself, aren't you?
00:16:42I am not.
00:16:44Not even just a little touch on that beautiful face of yours?
00:16:47Oh, I think you're horrid.
00:16:48Come on, children, dinner's ready.
00:16:50Okay, Mom.
00:16:53It's your turn, Ed, to get the report into Curtis.
00:16:57I always get the late shift.
00:17:09All right, Ed.
00:17:10Feelings your man.
00:17:11Take good care of him.
00:17:12I'll keep an eye out on Norton.
00:17:15All right.
00:17:16I'll see you later.
00:17:19I'll keep an eye out on Norton.
00:17:33I always get on these bunion derbies.
00:17:36You're just being patriotic.
00:17:38Conserving rubber.
00:17:41See you later.
00:18:22All right.
00:18:23I'll be just a minute.
00:18:49Hello, Linda.
00:18:50Hello, Tom.
00:18:51and you look wonderful.
00:18:52I'm glad you think so.
00:18:54Tell me, did you think about me a little bit today?
00:18:57All day long.
00:18:58I could hardly wait for the plant to close.
00:19:00Oh, I'm glad.
00:19:01I thought about you, too.
00:20:21Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:22Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:23Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:24Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:25Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:26Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:27Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:28Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:29Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:30Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:31Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:32Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:33Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:34Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:35Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:36Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:37Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:38Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:39Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:40Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:41Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:42Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:43Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:44Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:45Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:46Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:47Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:48Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:51Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:52Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:53Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:54Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:55Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:56Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:57Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:58Oh, I'm glad.
00:20:59Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:00Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:01Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:02Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:03Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:04Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:05Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:06Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:07Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:08Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:09Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:10Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:11Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:12Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:13Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:14Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:15Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:16Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:17Oh, I'm glad.
00:21:18Good evening.
00:21:19Good evening.
00:21:23You wish cactus before dinner?
00:21:25Uh, what about champagne cocktails?
00:21:28Champagne cocktails.
00:21:29For two?
00:21:30For two.
00:21:49You wanted a telephone, sir.
00:22:03Who, me?
00:22:04You are Mr. Fielding, are you not?
00:22:06Yes, but how would anyone know I was here?
00:22:08I believe it was a Mr. Norton.
00:22:10Oh, you old snooper.
00:22:13How did he know I was here?
00:22:14Will you excuse me?
00:22:15I'll be right back.
00:22:27On this one?
00:22:28On the private phone, please.
00:22:34Right here, sir.
00:22:48There was no call for you, my friend.
00:22:59What do you mean, no call for me?
00:23:01I merely wanted to speak with you.
00:23:11There must be some mistake.
00:23:12I've never met you before.
00:23:14Never make a mistake.
00:23:16Never make a mistake, Mr. Fielding.
00:23:25Sit down.
00:23:32You work on the Neoline chemical plant.
00:23:35You are living with your mother and charming sister.
00:23:40And you love them very much.
00:23:43Then you wouldn't want something to happen to them, would you?
00:23:49What are you talking about?
00:23:51You wouldn't dare.
00:23:53We dare anything.
00:23:56Your family would be perfectly safe if you do as we ask.
00:24:00Working on that formula alone?
00:24:07You answer me with your stubborn silence.
00:24:12It is Norton, not you.
00:24:42Are you looking for something, sir?
00:24:57This is the way out.
00:25:05Good night, sir.
00:25:06Good night.
00:25:12Now, Mr. Fielding, we understand each other, we are free to go.
00:25:40Mr. Fielding, it would be best to mention this interview to no one, to no one, understand?
00:25:54And please remember, we are determined to get that gasoline formula either from you
00:26:00or your friend, Mr. Norton, understand?
00:26:05Yes, I think.
00:26:06Very well.
00:26:07You will be contacted again for further instructions.
00:26:13And remember, your mother and sister.
00:26:25Herr Gimler, was advised to let him go.
00:26:29I never make mistakes.
00:26:30Heinrich, have you ever heard of that beautiful friendship of Damon and Pythia?
00:26:40Ah, I begin to understand.
00:26:45Nice work, sister.
00:26:48I was just following out instructions, Mr. Fielding.
00:26:51If you and your friends think you're going to get away with this, you have another thing coming.
00:26:55That we shall see.
00:26:57Good night.
00:27:00Good night.
00:27:30Good night.
00:28:00Good night.
00:28:30Good night.
00:29:00Good night.
00:29:30Good night.
00:29:47I must have left my keys in my other coat.
00:29:51Where's Mom?
00:29:52Well, in bed hours ago.
00:29:54Oh, I hope I didn't disturb her.
00:29:55What's the matter? Aren't you well?
00:29:57No, I'm all right.
00:29:58What time did Bob leave?
00:29:59Oh, he left a while ago.
00:30:02Sis, has he ever spoken to you about his work?
00:30:04Well, yes, once or twice, but nothing important.
00:30:07His papers, did he ever show them to you?
00:30:09Well, of course not.
00:30:10Why are you asking me these things?
00:30:12I don't know, I guess I'm just worried.
00:30:14It's not important.
00:30:15Shall I mention it to him?
00:30:16No, no, no, no, just forget it.
00:30:19I'll see you in the morning.
00:30:20Good night.
00:30:21Good night, Tom.
00:30:22And please stop worrying.
00:30:23I said forget it.
00:30:25Good night.
00:30:26Good night.
00:30:28Good night.
00:30:42I want the formula.
00:30:48Remember, Reynolds and Oliver.
00:30:58Remember your sister.
00:31:03Formula! Formula! Formula!
00:31:10Don't do it, Tom.
00:31:15Remember your mother.
00:31:23Dear good souls,
00:31:25freeze, freeze, freeze!
00:31:50Oh, hello, Bob.
00:31:52Say, what's the idea of showing me up
00:31:54by getting to work in the middle of the night?
00:31:57I was just making up for yesterday morning.
00:32:00What about the refugee?
00:32:02Oh, skip it.
00:32:03Wrong number.
00:32:08Say, that process check on 311,
00:32:10is that the one?
00:32:12Yeah, that's the one.
00:32:15Say, that process check on 311,
00:32:17did you take it?
00:32:19What would I do with it?
00:32:21Nothing, I guess.
00:32:23Well, it's not important.
00:32:25I can work it out again.
00:32:31Research Lab, Norton speaking.
00:32:35Yes, sir.
00:32:37Who was it?
00:32:39Prescott wants me to come up to the front office.
00:32:45Good morning, Nancy.
00:32:47Good morning, Bob.
00:32:48Aren't you smiling this morning?
00:32:50Well, to tell you the truth, I'm worried about Tom.
00:32:52Has anything happened?
00:32:54Not that I know of.
00:32:56Well, he came home last night all out of sorts.
00:32:58Really not at all like himself.
00:33:00Maybe he's been unlucky in love.
00:33:02You know, he's got a new girl, a refugee.
00:33:04Well, I hope that's all that's troubling you.
00:33:06Well, come on.
00:33:07We'd better get going.
00:33:08Yes, sir.
00:33:09There you are, sir.
00:33:13Good morning, Bob.
00:33:14Good morning, Mr. Prescott.
00:33:15Hi, Curtis.
00:33:16Good morning, Norton.
00:33:17Pull up a chair and sit down, Bob.
00:33:20Norton, I want to ask you about something.
00:33:23What is it?
00:33:24Did he hurt you?
00:33:26Did he tell you where he wanted to go?
00:33:27Well, no.
00:33:28Are you going to leave?
00:33:29Not for a moment.
00:33:30I don't like to leave without him.
00:33:32Well, I'm going to tell you.
00:33:34I love to.
00:33:35And I don't want to leave without him.
00:33:37I'm going to tell you.
00:33:38Well, say that with your lips.
00:33:39I'm going to tell him.
00:33:40No, you're not going to do that.
00:33:43The reason I'm going to tell you is that I'd like
00:33:45you to see Mr. Prescott.
00:33:47Norton, I want to ask you a few questions.
00:33:51Go right ahead.
00:33:53Did you notice anything out of the ordinary this morning with Tom Fielding?
00:33:56Was he upset or nervous or anything like that?
00:34:00I didn't notice anything unusual. He's always a bit grumpy in the morning.
00:34:05Norton, I'm going to give it to you straight.
00:34:08Last night we assigned two men to watch both you and your friend.
00:34:13You left the Fielding home at 9.45,
00:34:16stopped at the night owl for a ham sandwich and a cup of coffee.
00:34:20After that, you bought a newspaper,
00:34:22went straight home and stayed there until you came to work this morning.
00:34:27Is that correct?
00:34:28That's right.
00:34:30On the other hand, Fielding left home at 7.30.
00:34:33After that, we lost all trace of him until he came to work this morning.
00:34:37I thought you had a man following him.
00:34:39Yes, we did.
00:34:41He was found this morning in the riverbed.
00:34:48Surely you don't suspect Tom.
00:34:50This much is clear.
00:34:53I followed Fielding's activities last night.
00:34:55I know where Fielding went.
00:34:58He did mention something about a dinner engagement last night.
00:35:02Oh, he didn't say.
00:35:03Did he say with whom?
00:35:05No, he didn't tell me, but I'm sure he'd be glad to tell you himself.
00:35:11But I'd rather use the human angle.
00:35:13Now, we feel that you have his confidence and I want your help.
00:35:17But surely you can't believe that Tom would sell out his country.
00:35:21This country's at war, Norton.
00:35:22Nothing can be left to chance.
00:35:24Nothing must be left to guesswork.
00:35:25We've got to know.
00:35:27Of course.
00:35:29This puts me in a pretty tough spot.
00:35:31You see, Tom and I are pals.
00:35:33He's going to be my brother-in-law.
00:35:36I'll do anything I can to help.
00:35:42Handle it any way you think best.
00:35:56What was that?
00:35:58Nothing important.
00:36:02What happened to those notes?
00:36:09You big monkey, stop squawking.
00:36:10Is that what you were looking for?
00:36:12It was probably there all the time.
00:36:14I looked all over the floor before I went to Prescott's office.
00:36:17Maybe you're getting blind in your old age.
00:36:20Somebody put those notations there while I was gone.
00:36:23You mean I did it?
00:36:27Well, have it your way.
00:36:30Why didn't you tell me about the refugee?
00:36:32I told you before to skip it.
00:36:35Where did you go last night?
00:36:39What places, for instance?
00:36:40That is absolutely none of your business.
00:36:42Oh, I don't know.
00:36:43Maybe it is my business.
00:36:45The man who was assigned to protect you last night was murdered.
00:36:50Curtis had us both shattered.
00:36:52My man reported in alive.
00:36:55Where was he killed?
00:36:57Don't you know?
00:37:01You don't think I had anything to do with it?
00:37:04No, I don't.
00:37:05But Curtis does.
00:37:06Oh, Tom, maybe I could help you a little bit.
00:37:08If only you confide in me.
00:37:10I can't.
00:37:11So don't ask me.
00:37:12Let me figure it out for myself.
00:37:14Otherwise, it would only mean trouble.
00:37:15Trouble is right.
00:37:17But we can't duck it, Tom.
00:37:18Don't you see this is bigger than you or I?
00:37:20It means trouble for Uncle Sam.
00:37:23Oh, Tom, we're pals.
00:37:24And I hate this just as much as you do.
00:37:26But don't you see how important all this is?
00:37:29Now, what about this, girl, this refugee you met?
00:37:32Where did you go?
00:37:34All right.
00:37:35I'll tell you.
00:37:42Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:37:44Excuse me.
00:37:45Oh, don't worry.
00:37:47It was nothing.
00:37:49Bless you, mister.
00:37:51May you soon have $100,000.
00:37:56All cash.
00:37:58Perhaps a lot more.
00:38:00A smart young man has many opportunities these days.
00:38:04You have marvelous vision.
00:38:21Good evening, sir.
00:38:33This way, please.
00:38:39A friend of mine, Tom Fielding, had dinner here last night.
00:38:43He recommends the place very highly.
00:38:45I'm glad Mr. Fielding enjoyed his dinner.
00:38:48I think I'll have some Yankee pot roast and lots of coffee.
00:38:53Keep me awake.
00:38:54Yes, sir.
00:39:18May I present Miss Pablo.
00:39:42She's a friend of Mr. Fielding.
00:39:43How do you do?
00:39:44How do you do?
00:39:45Won't you join me?
00:39:46I would be delighted.
00:39:52Oh, you're the young lady that had dinner with him last night.
00:39:54Why, yes.
00:39:56Tom told me he enjoyed your company very much.
00:39:59Did he tell you anything else?
00:40:02Why, yes.
00:40:05He said I could trust you.
00:40:07That was very thoughtful of him.
00:40:09But I wonder if you are to be trusted.
00:40:14Confidence is sometimes based on stronger motives than mutual trust.
00:40:19Ah, I begin to understand.
00:40:23Your relationship is very clear now.
00:40:27But you know, I feel as if you knew all about me long before this.
00:40:32I did.
00:40:34You are Bob Thornton.
00:40:37And now we can talk, yes?
00:40:41I came here for that purpose.
00:40:44And I'm ready to listen.
00:40:47Without ceremony?
00:40:49Of course.
00:40:51Some friends of mine are interested in a new lean formula, 3-11.
00:40:56And they are willing to purchase a copy of it.
00:40:59In times like these, your friend's interest in 3-11 might mean a firing squad.
00:41:03You are smart, Mr. Thornton.
00:41:06We also are smart.
00:41:08None of us are blundering fools.
00:41:10But then, of course, your friends realize that I have access only to a part of formula 3-11.
00:41:16We are aware of that, too.
00:41:18Nevertheless, if you are willing to keep your mouth shut and act quickly,
00:41:23you may continue to live.
00:41:26A very wealthy man.
00:41:29What do you call wealthy?
00:41:32Well, say, $100,000?
00:41:39All cash.
00:41:44I do not expect your answer now.
00:41:47Just think over what you have been told until you are contacted again.
00:41:52By you?
00:41:55But before leaving, let me give you a word of warning.
00:41:59A guarded tongue never speaks unwisely.
00:42:03And remember, every move you make from now on will be known to us.
00:42:10It's been so nice talking to you.
00:42:12Good night.
00:42:13Good night.
00:42:15It's been a great pleasure meeting you here.
00:42:33Good night.
00:42:49I think now everything is ready.
00:42:51Heinrich, code a message to Carl Schmitt.
00:42:54Have him board the Dawn Express and fly west immediately.
00:42:57Yes, sir.
00:43:23It was very nice of you to have sent your friend.
00:43:26He had such a fine talk.
00:43:28And I think everything worked out favorably.
00:43:32Your friend?
00:43:33Yes, Mr. Knopf.
00:43:35Well, I didn't send him over to you.
00:43:38You're very sensible, Mr. Fielding, to be so kind.
00:43:42I will get in touch with you again.
00:44:03Oh, hello, Bob.
00:44:05Oh, you're going out?
00:44:07Well, I had to get some cigarettes.
00:44:09Oh, wait a minute.
00:44:10I have plenty of cigarettes.
00:44:12Say, let's go in and sit down.
00:44:14I'd like to talk to you.
00:44:17All right, Bob.
00:44:24Why didn't you tell me all that happened at the Alpine Grill?
00:44:28I told you everything.
00:44:31I told you everything?
00:44:32What do you mean?
00:44:34Why didn't you tell me those birds offered you $100,000 for a little light treason?
00:44:40That's not so.
00:44:42Well, I suppose you're going to deny that you told them that I'm working on 311, too.
00:44:46Bob, why the devil don't you stay out of this?
00:44:48They're not going to stand for any tricks.
00:44:49They'll kill us all.
00:44:51Nobody's going to be killed.
00:45:01Hello, Bob.
00:45:02I didn't know you were here.
00:45:03Oh, I just stopped in to go over some figures with Tom.
00:45:07You boys are worried about something.
00:45:09Come on, now.
00:45:10What is it?
00:45:11You're wrong, Nancy.
00:45:12Oh, don't hold out on me, Bob.
00:45:13I've got eyes and I've got ears.
00:45:15And I've been watching and listening to both of you ever since Reynolds and Oliver were killed.
00:45:19You see, Nancy's right.
00:45:20She knows.
00:45:21Be quiet, Tom.
00:45:22I won't.
00:45:23Why should I?
00:45:24Those were spies that killed Reynolds and Oliver.
00:45:25And they threatened to kill you and Mother, too.
00:45:27Not so loud.
00:45:28Mother will hear you.
00:45:29I'll take care of myself.
00:45:30Let's sit down and talk this thing over sensibly.
00:45:33He's right, Tom.
00:45:39Now, listen, Tom.
00:45:40I know you're not going to take this thing lying down.
00:45:42It's up to people like you and me to face the music.
00:45:45Be a good soldier.
00:45:46What can we do against all of them?
00:45:48Tom, there are 130 million of us.
00:45:55Bob, I'm sorry.
00:45:56I'll do everything I can to get us out of this.
00:45:58That's the stuff.
00:45:59We'll run those rats right back into the holes they came out of.
00:46:08I guess that's about all, Mr. Curtis.
00:46:10She offered me $100,000 and told me she'd contact me again.
00:46:14Oh, well, she warned me to keep my mouth shut.
00:46:17Then she left.
00:46:18And believe me, it didn't take me long to get out of there myself.
00:46:22Tell me, Norton.
00:46:24Norton, at any time during this conversation, was Schmidt's name mentioned?
00:46:30No, it wasn't.
00:46:31Well, without Carl Schmidt, it wouldn't do them any good to get it.
00:46:35Norton, I firmly believe that through you we can bring Schmidt out in the open.
00:46:38Would you be willing to help us?
00:46:40Yes, of course.
00:46:41You know I would.
00:46:42Well, that's fine.
00:46:44Now, tonight I want you to...
00:46:54Good evening.
00:47:13Good evening, Mr. Sullivan.
00:47:15Oh, good evening, Miss Fielding.
00:47:17Has my brother Tom been here tonight?
00:47:19Right you are.
00:47:20He came in just about 10 minutes ago.
00:47:22Oh, thank you.
00:47:23Good evening.
00:47:24Good evening.
00:48:17What are you doing here?
00:48:18Tom, where are you going?
00:48:19Never mind.
00:48:20I'll go on home.
00:48:21Please, Tom.
00:48:22You keep out of this.
00:48:23I know what I'm doing.
00:48:53Good evening, sir.
00:48:54Hello, I'd rather come back and enjoy some more of your good food.
00:48:56With pleasure, sir.
00:48:57Right this way.
00:48:58Oh, don't bother.
00:49:05Good evening.
00:49:08I'd hoped I'd find you here.
00:49:14Looks as if our new friend likes this place.
00:49:17Maybe you're right.
00:49:22This way.
00:49:39This way.
00:49:44This is the gentleman you are to do business with.
00:49:50I'm glad you came.
00:50:03No, thank you.
00:50:06You have come to a decision already.
00:50:10Do you accept the proposition I made?
00:50:14Well, I'm not sure.
00:50:17What do you mean?
00:50:18Well, I'd like to know what guarantee I have that I'll get full protection from him.
00:50:23Well, you have my word.
00:50:35I see.
00:50:37Did you bring the formula?
00:50:39Why, yes.
00:50:40May I have it, please?
00:50:42What about the hundred thousand? All cash, now.
00:50:46My friend, I'm not a fool.
00:50:49You do not think I would give you good money for a piece of paper.
00:50:53Well, I figured you were a chemist.
00:50:56You ought to know what this means.
00:50:58You ought to know what this means.
00:51:14I wonder, Mr. Naughton, if you're trying to play tricks.
00:51:18You came here without being properly contacted.
00:51:20Certainly. I came here on my own account.
00:51:23I didn't want Fielding to beat me to it.
00:51:26So typical.
00:51:29Pardon me, Mr. Naughton.
00:51:32But you will not mind, I'm sure, if I take the precaution of not giving the money to you yet.
00:51:41First, this formula has to be tested.
00:51:46Sure, by all means. Go ahead, test it yourself.
00:51:49Someone will come and make a test.
00:51:52After that, you will be paid.
00:51:55Who will make the test with me?
00:51:58One of the most marvelous scientists in the whole world.
00:52:03Professor Carl Schmitt.
00:52:06Professor Schmitt?
00:52:09I'll be very happy to work with the professor.
00:52:16I'm sorry, I couldn't stop him.
00:52:19I thought I'd find you here.
00:52:22Did he try to sell you the formula?
00:52:23Why do you ask this?
00:52:25If he did, he's a liar. He couldn't give you the 3.11 formula without the part I have here.
00:52:29You can't give him that.
00:52:31Ah, then you have what I want most.
00:52:33That's right. With this, I could show any chemist in the world how to compound 3.11.
00:52:37Tom, do you realize what you're doing? If that stuff gets in the wrong hands, it'll be the end of all of us.
00:52:41Very well. You will now prove that you can mix the 3.11 formula.
00:52:44Oh, stop, you fool. We'll all be killed.
00:52:51Wait a minute.
00:52:53I'll go through with the bargain. I'll show you how to mix 3.11.
00:52:56But I don't want to see him killed.
00:52:58Of what interest is his life to you?
00:53:01None to me. But he means everything to my sister.
00:53:08Carl Schmitt will land on the Dom Express in 15 minutes.
00:53:1115 minutes? I haven't much time.
00:53:14Carl Schmitt cannot come here.
00:53:16That would be too dangerous now.
00:53:18Instead, we go to meet him.
00:53:22Take Fielding to the car.
00:53:23Eric, drive Linder home.
00:53:25Heinrich, tell August we are leaving this place for the Schaus Airport.
00:53:29Yes, sir.
00:53:36Yes, sir?
00:53:37Tell August we are leaving. And you, Mr. Schultz, you take care of Mr. Norton in here.
00:53:41Yes, sir.
00:53:44Here, here. You can't go in there.
00:53:46Don't leave me alone.
00:53:47You cannot go in there.
00:53:48I can't.
00:53:49You cannot do that.
00:53:52Oh, let go.
00:53:53You can't go in there.
00:53:58I am going in there.
00:53:59I say you cannot go in there.
00:54:01You're under arrest.
00:54:17Get in there. Hurry.
00:54:18All right, men. Stand by.
00:54:22Come on.
00:54:28Bob, are you all right?
00:54:42You all right, son?
00:54:43Yeah, yeah, I'm all right.
00:54:44Come on, now. Where did they go?
00:54:46They, they, they got Tom.
00:54:48They, they're taking him to the South Airport.
00:54:51Carl, Carl Smith, he's coming in on the Dawn Express.
00:54:54Their car just pulled out of the alley.
00:54:56All right, boys. Cover this place.
00:54:57Come on, Brown. We're going to the South Airport.
00:54:59All right.
00:55:00Come on, now. Let's follow them.
00:55:06Come quickly. I'll take you home.
00:55:09Just a minute.
00:55:11Sit right back down, please.
00:55:13You're under arrest.
00:55:21Come on.
00:56:21All right.
00:56:51Come on.
00:57:21Come on.
00:57:32I'll catch you now. Quick, we must go.
00:57:34Go, but we just got here.
00:57:35We must go quick.
00:57:51Go, go.
00:58:21Come on.
00:58:45Come, Carl.
00:58:46Let's make the test at once.
00:58:49Here on the plane?
00:58:51But I have nothing to work with.
00:58:53I've brought everything.
00:58:55Heinrich, get the table.
00:58:57Yes, sir.
00:59:00Otto, the cases.
00:59:02Yes, sir.
00:59:03Also, we have to help our young friend.
00:59:21Yes, we'll soon find out just how valuable he is to us.
00:59:31Get over to the dispatches and get a plane to follow that ship immediately.
00:59:34Yes, sir.
00:59:35If I understand what Tom's going to do, you won't need a plane to follow.
00:59:38What do you mean by that, Norton?
00:59:39Tom has a bottle of 3B11. If he mixes it the way I think he will, you'll see what I mean.
00:59:50Move that case, please.
01:00:20Here's the 3B11.
01:00:26Open it, please.
01:00:51You'd better let me show you how, Professor.
01:00:55You young upstart.
01:00:57You can teach me something?
01:00:59Professor Carl Schmitt?
01:01:04Maybe, Carl.
01:01:06You should let him show you.
01:01:21Are you sure you know what you're doing?
01:01:26I know.
01:01:27What a glorious day for the fatherland! Heil Hitler!