Hulk Hogan got a little carried away chatting to paparazzi at JFK airport yesterday, when he got stopped signing autographs for a bunch of 'Hulkomaniacs'.
During the impromptu interview, Hulk accused a fan of grabbing his ass, made fun of his own 'fat head', mentioned having his dirty underwear in his travel bag, and complained that kids 'don't know how to say please' these days.
Then came the most delightful part. When asked if he saw Jen Aniston's recent GQ cover, Hulk said: 'I'd like to see her in my magazine.
Paparazzo: That's John Mayer's girl, man.
Hulk: 'John Mayer? I'd pull him if we're fighting over Jen Aniston.'
Then it was time to make fun of a fan for smelling bad like his ex-wife Linda Bollea:
'I ain't smelled nothing like that since I was married! Dude if you're sweating that bad, you need to take your sweatshirt off now. Man, I gotta go washmy hand now. My hand might fall off!'
During the impromptu interview, Hulk accused a fan of grabbing his ass, made fun of his own 'fat head', mentioned having his dirty underwear in his travel bag, and complained that kids 'don't know how to say please' these days.
Then came the most delightful part. When asked if he saw Jen Aniston's recent GQ cover, Hulk said: 'I'd like to see her in my magazine.
Paparazzo: That's John Mayer's girl, man.
Hulk: 'John Mayer? I'd pull him if we're fighting over Jen Aniston.'
Then it was time to make fun of a fan for smelling bad like his ex-wife Linda Bollea:
'I ain't smelled nothing like that since I was married! Dude if you're sweating that bad, you need to take your sweatshirt off now. Man, I gotta go washmy hand now. My hand might fall off!'