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  • 3 years ago
00:00There is plenty of time for the United States to worry about Iran's file, with China having
00:07turned to the issue number one in terms of the US foreign policy. Therefore, in this context
00:13We must use more time to focus on these priorities. As I said earlier, Russia may help the United States
00:22with regard to convincing the Iranian side of the need for progress in the negotiations.
00:27In 2008, a serious mistake was made when
00:35The war was launched when both Georgia and Ukraine were promised NATO membership. that
00:42I don't think that's a big deal for national security
00:46but this is a challenge for Russia. Therefore, I do not rule out the possibility of an exchange
00:55concessions between Washington and Moscow and in this regard
00:59and also with regard to the Iranian nuclear file, but I think that
01:08Priorities and focus will also be on Russia and China for Washington.
01:13OK, this sentence is important and an important idea to be put forward between Russia may help in reaching an agreement
01:18through the exchange of concessions between the two parties. Perhaps Mr. Andre will help us understand the Russian position
01:24and the extent of the Russian readiness for such concessions. Mr. Andrei Mikhail Alyanov, Russia's representative in Vienna, said that Moscow
01:32it has an active role without specifying the nature of this role in the negotiations.
01:36But in the mission, Russia is not in its interest to have Iran as a nuclear state, and at the same time it wants to use its relations with Tehran to collect
01:45certain gains in the negotiations of other files with the West.
01:49How does Russia manage this calculation and the extent of its readiness to make mutual concessions, including the Iranian issue
02:01In this emerging situation, we see that this budget
02:08This treatment. To address all the issues you mentioned
02:12is the basis in Russia's role. We already have good relations with Iran and we have cooperation
02:19in the nuclear field, but in the peaceful corn field
02:23and peaceful programs. Here in this field, the United States of America is also helping
02:29and also in front of the United States of America
02:33questions and ask them in order to lift the sanctions. This is the role played by Russia in terms of convincing Iran not to develop its program
02:43the nuclear program, and to stay on it and maintain it as a program
02:48Peacefully. At the same time, he asked the United States to make concessions and lift the sanctions. What's more like mediation?
02:55Mr. Musadiq Pur is in the midst of all this controversy
02:58Delegations are coming.