...في ملفات الخلاف لا يبدو أنه ما حل كليا ب...

  • 3 years ago
00:00In the files of the dispute, it does not seem that what has been completely resolved despite the military coordination.
00:06the Libyans, as the Tunisians, are waiting in the road map to overcome the political crisis,
00:12You haven't painted yet. the procedures of its president are still in force until further notice . the obstruction of the legislative authority and the bilateral partnership,
00:21but the authority, as seen by those opposed to it,
00:24Waiting for a comprehensive dialogue that satisfies all parties,
00:28Tunisia and its economy pay the political tax and wait for economic reform on a hot plate with the tin on which Syria stands
00:40which is exhausted in terms of security, economic, and humanitarian, and is heavily leaning on its Arab borders.
00:47they seek as the brothers seek
00:50to return to an Arab university that issued its seat years ago, and after it was thrown out of interventions, interventions, and interests,
01:00And in the forefront of those who seek Egypt
01:02with its Arab and regional weight. It is an attempt to gather Arab divisions, which are divided by internal conflicts and foreign interventions.
01:12regional or international.
01:14Therefore, the development of Libya and Tunisia, as well as Syria, page last year and it receives in 2020, and what is happening
01:28I am
01:31since the signing of the cease-fire agreement in Libya in October last year. The Libyan crisis went through several stages
01:40until I reached a mystery about the electoral scene
01:44let's remember the most prominent of these stations
01:49on October 23, 2020, and after five days of talks in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations.
01:56The two parties to the conflict in Libya signed an agreement for a permanent halt
02:00the shooting during this year, and specifically on February 5th, the participants in the Libyan-Libyan dialogue were elected during meetings in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations
02:09Abdul Hamid Al Habiba President of the Transitional Government
02:12along with a three-member presidential council.
02:16On March 10, the transitional government won the confidence of the parliament and replaced the government of national reconciliation and the government of the East.
02:23After that, in October, the Libyan parliament was forced to change the dates of the vote due to objections, and the date of the presidential elections remained on December 24 in return for the postponement of the legislative elections. A month later
02:34At the end of November, the Libyan Interior Minister doubted the holding of the presidential elections on time
02:39because of what he called the spread of violations. At the beginning of December, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, renewed the call for holding the elections on time
02:49after the President of the Security Council considered that the conditions are not available
02:54to hold the elections. In December, the Libyan internal differences deepened, and the House of Representatives proposed