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  • 3 years ago
00:00The screen is in the image of a programed version, and it's not what you're actually going to print. in March of 1986. Gates offered Microsoft shares for public subscription at an initial price of twenty one dollars per share, and became a millionaire immediately at thirty one. Over time, the value of the company's shares increased.
00:22One year later, in 1987, he became a billionaire
00:28when the share price reached ninety dollars. since then, it has been sitting on the annual fors list of the richest four hundred people in the United States of America.
00:41By the beginning of the 1990s, he became the crowned kingmaker in the computer sector. In 1999, share prices rose to an unprecedented high, according to Gates' fortune. one hundred and one billion dollars in a short period of time . I'm very proud of our sector's history of customer service. In the leverage you get for a little bit of money. It's breathtaking.
01:04Which sector would enable a person to set up a company from scratch and sell it in less than four years for ten billion dollars
01:12It's a sector full of opportunities.
01:15Our sector now has new companies, new jobs, and new Microsoft competitors more than ever.
01:26It's no surprise, then, that one of the richest people in the world has a lavish home with state-of-the-art technology. In 1997, Kate and his family moved to a giant mansion
01:39its area is more than six thousand one hundred thirty square meters, and its price is fifty four million dollars. It took seven years to build on the coast of Lake Washington.
01:50The house is full of high-tech details, including screens that display changing works of art
01:56And headphones hidden behind the wallpaper. Music enables one to follow from room to room,
02:03It had a sand beach, and they had an underwater sound system called its palace
02:09He's so big and famous that he has his own Wikipedia page
02:17But none of this came without ambition, effort and perseverance. Gates has always maintained his strong capital and always acted intelligently
02:31Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:57The first engine of the industrial revolution