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  • 2 years ago
00:00Is answering a question and it was the engine
00:04Industrial revolution. The challenges aggravated climate change and imposed a new reality in energy, but I take a few in a weekly trip
00:12Supported by enhanced reality to answer energy questions, what are the alternatives
00:18How long will it last and how will it interact with it? product
00:42Welcome back. In the second ricochet file to the east
00:48the year 2021 passes on Russia for different years. This is the year of change as described by Putin,
00:57It was the year of Russia's return to the Arab region, as many saw it.
01:02Russia's influence has become stronger in areas where it was previously present and has become apparent in other areas allied to the Americans
01:09Who sense danger despite the fact that she's in it.
01:16he spends the year 2021 loaded with what he has and what he has. Putin said that the period of transformations in the policy of the Kremlin,
01:26And many said in it
01:27It is truly a year of Russia's expansion in the Arab region. Here is Syria, which is not new.
01:35Since Russia's official intervention in 2015
01:39They are trying to have the upper hand in front of the rest of the forces, but they have established their presence on the shores of the Mediterranean. there in the base of it in the area of mokhladi
01:49a position that will make it influence against the European coasts,
01:53It may exceed a cordon that the Americans and the Europeans are trying to impose on its borders, where tensions are high.
02:00The enhanced presence in Syria opened the appetite of Russia to attend North Africa,
02:06So, it established its presence in Libya through the fighters of Wagner, who are disguised
02:11Washington asserts Moscow's connection with them, so that it supplies the Algerian army with two thirds of its need of weapons.
02:19According to the report of the Center for Global American Policy
02:23issued in 2020. The continent rich in wealth and ready for many investments attracts Russia
02:31Gazprom and Sonatrach held a meeting last October
02:36a project that is being developed in Algeria is related to a project related to gas without revealing any further details.
02:44The consolidation of relations with Egypt continues at all levels.
02:48Russia resumed its flights to the West this year after a break for years, and strengthened military cooperation through a new version of maneuvers in friendship.
02:58As agreed by the Committee