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  • 2 years ago
00:00The United States imports from China approximately eighty percent. Who needs so much
00:08Which is the first Gulu
00:10to import ninety eight percent
00:15With the tenderness of rare metals. This means that age can be used for every conflict in any
00:26An envelope at any time. I mean, especially when China is subject to economic sanctions
00:37and in any of the United States, and it cannot do that, it will raise the prices.
00:43will you check some exports to washington ?
00:48What exactly are you gonna do?
00:50First, the effects of this can be raised in the exhaust. That is, of course
00:59Second, restrictions can be imposed on Chinese exports from
01:06especially hostile to the United States and
01:11And the West in general.
01:14Well, Mr. John, there is no doubt that this part of the competitive relationship between China.
01:23Washington will see perhaps the biggest results on the economic arena, the economic competition.
01:30Washington increased its production by 36% last year, but it remains behind China of course
01:38So today, what are the economic and political options available to Washington to reduce the risks of restricting the supply chain
01:47Which Biden recommended
01:48which my guest from Shanghai today confirms that it may obtain a rise in prices and also restrict exports or put restrictions on exports
01:58That China might do it. as for alternative options , as i said earlier , australia is doing so
02:06There are plenty of precautions
02:08Biden's administration has surrendered to one of the alternative options. and I mean Afghanistan, which was also done. Terrorist assassinations
02:16In case President Biden is not advised from Afghanistan in a terrorist manner?
02:21We didn't have that option either. But you have to look at that. In a broader context, the President
02:29Within Trump was looking at a number of projects.
02:36Yes, a lot of companies, including technology companies today, are in China, and this is
02:44It's a likely thing for the company Pacific.
02:47I think the margin of this administration to manage the current situation will have to resort to a number of restrictive measures
02:56under pressure from the Republicans and Democrats.