...و هي اجمالي مقاعد البرلمان العراقي . في ...

  • 2 years ago
00:00it is the total seats of the iraqi parliament . In the next step, the presidency of the parliament is heading to open the door for candidacy
00:06for the presidency of the republic within fifteen days as well
00:10The deputies choose the president through a two-thirds vote of the council in case the political blocs fail to do so.
00:18Parliament is heading for a new vote
00:20The president is elected with only 165 votes. As for the stage of choosing the prime minister, the first steps start
00:29President-elect of the Republic
00:31to be authorized by the constitution within fifteen days to assign the candidate of the largest parliamentary blocs to form the council of ministers.
00:39After that, the Prime Minister's candidate has only 30 days
00:44to complete the formation and assassinate the members of the ministerial formation. In the event of his failure, the President of the Republic returns and assigns another candidate
00:52With the same time limit as the first one
00:55to accomplish the mission, according to article 76 of the Iraqi constitution
01:01The discussion on the subject is welcome directly from London through Zoun B, academic and political researcher Dr. Hamid Al-Kafa'i. Welcome aboard
01:10Dr. Hamid, according to sources, which told us that the Kurdish parties gave the green light from the Sadrist movement to form the government.
01:18Based on these facts, how do you expect the size of the participation of the Kurdish and Sunni parties as well, and in fact their impact on the government and the next political track
01:29Yes, greetings to you and to the viewers. In fact, the size of the participation to the Kurdish and Sunni parties will be according to
01:40its deputies in the parliament, because this time the government will be a government of a political majority or a national majority as they call it
01:48It is not a consensus government. the consensus government includes everyone, and these governments failed in the past. Therefore
01:56rejected the Iraqi people, and now there is a bloc
02:00large and strong also the chest mass, and it can deal with the other components because
02:10It is essential that the rest of the components participate, and not just
02:14the central and southern lines, but the Kurds and Sunnis should participate. Therefore, I think that the participation will be in the size of deputies
02:23these blocs in the parliament,
02:25Certainly, the participation will be greater for every year, especially with the presence of
02:33a large number of Shiite deputies outside the government
02:37because they will form the opposition. Here, we are led by talking about the coordination framework and its rejection of the results in the first period
02:47Undo it and accept the results. How do you expect his position to be in the coming period? Will it be a political supporter
02:54Or will it be a disruptive role? I mean
02:58It'll definitely be dora