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  • 2 years ago
00:00but the financial conditions have become more lenient , which means that we are far from the situation that allows the policies to leave their desired effect
00:08His biggest fear is that the FBI will have to speed up the pace of this year's movements. That's why I've been asking him since last April to move
00:17Because you don't want him to have to push the brakes too hard,
00:20The last thing we want is for the FBI to have to radically change its policy to speed up the interest-raising cycle.
00:27And let's remember that he's been dealing with a market and a addicted economy for many years – very low benefits and massive liquidity injections
00:36It's pre-foreseeable.
00:38We are now facing a major change. Therefore, this change must not be quick.
00:45Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:49Perhaps gold was the most depressed financial asset in the year 2021, which
00:55Historically, it has been regarded as a hedge against inflation and has led to hedges that are inherently untrained to yield.
01:03So the natural state of going means that a low-interest environment is a good opportunity to acquire and to buy gold.
01:10But last year, the opposite happened despite all the circumstances that naturally support the rise to a decline rate of 3.6%
01:20Recorded the largest annual decline since 2015
01:23This year. We are preparing to raise interest rates and an expected decline at the end of the year or in the middle of the year for inflation rates, which means more pressure on the yellow metal.
01:36History may say that gold is a safe haven against inflation. but history also says that gold is badly served when there is a state of panic that leads to a tightening of credit positions .
01:47And then the rise comes back when it's less than the intensity of the fluctuations. This is repeated, for example
01:52in 2008 and in 2020, we notice in 2008 at the beginning of the crisis and in blue. This retreat was
02:00It was clear after that, after the fluctuations were reduced, that the gold would rise again. This scenario also happened in 2020. At the beginning of the crisis, he retreated and then
02:09It's back up again, but the elevations aren't as close as the pace
02:14For example, gold did not retreat when the process of reducing asset purchases was announced by the US Federal recently. It also retreated
02:24in 2008 after the announcement between Bernanke about the first downsizing. Burton was the first downsizing after the global crisis
02:31in 2013. On the one hand, the markets are not fully convinced that the world is out of the grip of Korona. On the other hand, when
02:40Central banks start raising interest rates to control inflation. This may create large selling operations on the gold-trading funds of the coalition funds,
02:48Thus, causing more pressure on the yellow metal would be an interesting year for gold.
02:58Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.