...تجد أن الولايات المتحدة تواجه مشكلة كبير...

  • 2 years ago
00:00finds that the United States is facing a big problem, and therefore, the Intel company pledges that it will be
00:10almost an investment i mean an investment
00:14Very large sums. The security called about one billion dollars. This requires the establishment of many interests.
00:21Here we are talking about knowledge of power or manpower.
00:26Here we are talking about the three and five-year industrial education schools, which are characterized by the graduation of a large group of young professionals.
00:36And we find that they have many hopes and aspirations, if they work in this field, we are talking about the management of this school, interests
00:45On the one hand, it's known as the Mangant Style
00:47I went to the external faculties of engineering and technical and technological colleges, and we are talking that the whole world is now focusing on
00:57knowledge of power and what is known as schedules
00:59you can see the agenda of Bruguera and the organization of high-level training programs, especially in this context, because the investment of nearly one hundred billion
01:09a dollar to set up several factories through intel company .
01:13Is there anyone who is also talking about the Taiwanese SMTC, which concluded an agreement with the United States
01:19electronic chip factory to be set up in arizona
01:24at a cost ranging between twelve to fourteen billion dollars? Me, too. We're talking about the mammy power and the presence of the workforce
01:33Mr. Jamal, the issue of training and the establishment of these factories
01:39and putting the plans of action in it needs time. Therefore, what is required today? I mean, this shortage in the issue of manufacturing
01:48the electronic chips quickly because many fields have started
01:53are being disrupted and are witnessing crises due to this shortage
02:00When we talk about time
02:01Here we are talking about time management system, and when we talk about the time management system and who works in this
02:10Institutions and companies
02:12They are the people of Taiwan, the Americans are the Japanese, the Chinese and the Koreans, and here we are talking about Time. he didn't come from
02:20It's very accurate
02:22the presence of training programs for these young people and what is seen as normal training programs and what is known as the pipe show me that we bring a group of technicians and engineers
02:32they start to enter
02:33with engineers and technicians who work in the same factory and start and serve them and learn from them through the normal work day.
02:42And here we are talking about
02:44Mixing or mixing old experiences with new young people to start learning this industry. Of course, the industry is very important.
02:53The advantage of this
02:54that the technology is very high in it. America is characterized by conflict, by designs and not