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  • 2 years ago
00:00Of course, the United States has no interest in any kind of escalation. Who wants to see
00:07an open war is taking place with russia and ukraine with the participation of the united states , allies and partners of the european union . No one wants to see such a scenario, and this is exactly
00:20what President Putin is using because he is hostile to democracy. This is his approach as an authoritarian leader, and he considers that the West
00:32weak, and of course the United States does not want to see an escalation. But the only way to respond
00:39to avoid this escalation and by pointing out to President Putin that there will be serious consequences on Russia if it launched an invasion. I was trying to clarify earlier that this
00:53Basically, it's not military consequences
00:56although there is a military part, but it will be basically in the form of economic sanctions. This requires the cooperation of the European Union.
01:06The United States alone, the United States alone cannot
01:11Strong sanctions are imposed without the participation of the Union. The question is the European Union, but Russia has
01:17a problem or energy card, especially with the timing of this crisis on the eve of winter. Therefore
01:24And the Russians can't be cynical about energy
01:27Right here. Allow me to move to Mr. Makhtar Abu Diab, my guest from Paris, the European Union, who also rejected these conditions and these demands to Moscow.
01:36But at the same time, he rejected any negotiation on Europe and the security of Europe without being part of these negotiations. Are we talking about
01:45a European front and European efforts separate from the United States of America with regard to
01:52in Ukraine in Eastern Europe
01:58I mean, of course there is no
02:01of sticking between the United States and the European Union. the united states is the united states and the european union is the european union . but
02:11Also, there's no doubt
02:13we are facing a strong alliance in coordination. There doesn't have to be a convergence of views. And so
02:22Moscow is the one that wants to exclude Europe, as I said, because it wants
02:26direct negotiations with Washington and a deal with Washington. The European Union demands that all
02:35he studied the new security structure in europe to have a role in it .
02:40in the end, the European Union or its main countries concerned with the Normandy equation, such as Germany and France
02:49reassure Russia and work to reassure Russia. Berlin and Paris have always opposed
02:57the inclusion of ukraine in the north atlantic alliance .