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  • 2 years ago
00:00that the United States should stay away from military frictions or military harassment within the scope of China's national security.
00:09Perhaps if the United States took these steps,
00:13China will have achieved what it wants and will not resort to developing nuclear weapons or to
00:22Increase its nuclear deterrent power.
00:26Mr. Clark, will China raise again today the nuclear arms race by seeking to develop its arsenal
00:35Or update it?
00:43There are risks that have been identified, and they are not only the risks of nuclear proliferation but also the behaviors.
00:52For example, your guest referred to the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea and the Pacific and Indian Ocean region. freedom
01:07a navigation that exists for all countries and not only for China, and China should prevent freedom
01:14to other countries. Therefore, the American presence does not constitute a threat there. and the frankness of the invitation to the Chinese leaders is not only from
01:23The Security Council this week, but it's over the past few years. and come back
01:30to this completion in a policy between Trump and Biden departments, which are students from Beijing to be more transparent. And the United States asked China
01:43to join the United States and China in drafting a new agreement to cover all
01:52types and categories of nuclear weapons. The current treaty between Russia and the United States is an opposition
02:00This constitution,
02:01The current START Treaty limits the development of specific types of weapons in the United States.
02:10Russia. So, there are restrictions, but if
02:15left China on its freedoms so that it can develop its capabilities from any restrictions without any restrictions, and if China continues
02:24these activities. When there are restrictions on the American and Russian activities, any future treaty
02:34It should be expanded to include China. This is not a new situation
02:40It has been clarified in the previous administration.
02:45If the United States has done its historic duty to reduce the nuclear danger, it will continue to do so, but it is also exciting to reach all