...معظم على وجه الأرض ، إلا أن الآراء خارج ...

  • 2 years ago
00:00most on the face of the earth, but the views outside the country suggest the opposite.
00:05as the most important deals are still the political generation that London is seeking to conclude
00:10pending without progress, the most prominent of which is the trade agreement with the United States, which the US President does not consider as a priority at this time.
00:23Joining us from Athens is Abdul Latif Darwish, academic professor in political economy at the British University of Cardiff, Metro Bo Ton.
00:31So, Britain's exit, as the report said, is perhaps the poorest
00:36on the political survival of Johnson in the coming years. how can johnson regain his popularity with all these challenges ? In your opinion?
00:46My greetings to you and to the viewers. First, Britain was exporting to the European Union forty five percent of the production,
00:56The European Union exports only four and a half percent of its production to Britain. The loser is mainly in Britain
01:02Also competitiveness. Despite the fact that the British economy enjoys an electronic service operation in teleworking or electronic work.
01:11However, at the level, the competition in production in the industries can be confirmed as weak against the German-European industries
01:20and other European countries, as well as weak competitiveness in the face of the Chinese economy or industries.
01:27in the issue of competition in the issue of prices
01:29You can count on that. I think they rely on markets like Nigeria and Singapore. But this matter is also weak
01:37because these countries took their grants in the military and economic relations with China and with the United States of America. I think that
01:45Britain's exit, as well as the Corona meeting, led to a decline in the level of productivity.
01:52I mean, if we measure on a simple scale that three hundred thousand or two hundred thirty thousand a day breaks down, the least will be half of them or
02:01One third of them are producers daily about production. this leads to a decline in the level of production , the quantity of production and the quality of production .
02:09and the inability of the British economy to
02:15solving the problem of unemployment and the state of recession . I think this will reflect
02:18on the issue of the survival of the government, or at least the completion of its term according to the constitution.
02:27I mean, there's no move Boris Johnson can make. Today to save what can be saved beyond Pope Gaza
02:37Isn't it unfair to prefer
02:40It is not in the interest of the European Union to wound Britain in the peaceful exit or that there should be no ability to
02:48that this will encourage many countries or some European countries that there are also trends that may call for getting out of the European Union
02:57like some countries in Eastern Europe.