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  • 2 years ago
00:00I think that the United States was putting pressure on China in terms of both military entry
00:09economic and financial pressure, but these pressures may
00:13the response to the American economy as well. as these pressures grow in size , china
00:21It becomes more economically independent. China today
00:25Evolution of the field of sensors, for example, sensors. One day it will be a way to
00:35the manufacture of these high-precision technological goods at low prices and costs
00:40Instead of stopping on the U.S. and other markets. In terms of dollar, trade, and financial transactions, by dollar, the diwan
00:50Digital, as we know
00:52also represents a danger to the US dollar. This does not mean that we will surpass the United States, but this new currency will represent
01:01or represent a good and easier alternative option
01:05to implement those transactions instead of paying useless commissions in accordance with the contemporary financial system.
01:13Yes, Mr. Eli, I heard what Dr. Einar said. Are you afraid of Washington
01:19the stability of the US dollar in light of these Chinese attempts to
01:26pushing the euro and the Chinese to the confrontation or to the international trading front?
01:34Of course, let me say that I and my colleague from Beijing are different because no one is talking now
01:43on the issue of bypassing the Chinese economy to the US economy.
01:47This matter exists in China, and of course it is an ambition and it is a legitimate ambition. is the legitimate ambition of all countries because I am talking
01:55Ambition. I'm talking about numbers and facts. - I did
01:58Until this moment, it is not possible
02:00to seriously talk that the Chinese economy can surpass this economy, the US economy. but
02:09I think that the reasons are not only
02:13If there is a Sunni will or there is no Sunni will, there are also political and economic facts
02:22They should be looked at.
02:23the experience he talked about, I mean, about the economic development that China witnessed over forty years.
02:31It was accompanied
02:34political openness, whether or not the Chinese leadership is obliged to it. But this openness is practically
02:43to enhance the possibility of mixing
02:46and invention today, when many Chinese, especially those working in the advanced technology sector, talk that
02:56their hopes were disappointed
02:58Because of this.