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  • 2 years ago
00:00Your life has meaning and purpose
00:02Doing volunteer work and feeding is where you start to build your basic scheme. And there's more innovative information about nutrition than you think. We can start by exploring the concept of a long history of aging research, which is the reduction of calories.
00:18We've already found from the beginning that the first thing slows aging and reduces the feeding of lab animals. When we did this, the miracle woman started to live longer, but she had a better memory and became resistant to infection.
00:35Our bodies have a number of genes that control the pace of our aging, and it's a preventative crime that's present in all of our cells and responds to how much we eat. So if we continue on a diet, it starts to work. We are now learning how to run these gardens with tiny particles that can one day be taken in the form of grains. What we do is cheat the body. He feels like something's wrong
00:56It's as if the body's a little hungry or had to run in a long race recently.
01:01So the body responds by creating new blood vessels in muscles, improving memory, or repairing the liver. We found that in Iran you act exactly this way.
01:10If you give it our partial, and it's going to go further, and it's going to think better, and it's going to work its organs in a more dynamic way.
01:18Some researchers are transforming these cellular processes into medical interventions. It means we're probably in the future
01:26We could take a pill and get the same results they see in the lab
01:30By fixing the calories. There are low-carbon drugs that show very positive early results in laboratory tests. The number, O.S., is the best example
01:42Because the discovery of the influence of the old number began by giving it to mice that are the equivalent of 60 years old in humans.
01:50No one actually planned it. It was a coincidence. In fact, if they ask me, are we doing this experiment? I would have told her
01:57You're wasting your time, but they've done it and ten
02:01These rats are about forty percent longer than those that did not get the drug. If we evaluated calories for a vendetta, for example,
02:09This poverty can generally be made to live 50 percent longer and be protected from most or perhaps all common diseases of old age.
02:18A laboratory focuses on many different aspects of ageing, but one of the factors that we are studying is a work called in Uar, which symbolizes a targeting that may be based.
02:28This is one of the central mechanisms by which cells sense the amount of food that exists and then make a decision Is this the time to grow and multiply or not?
02:39If there is not much food, it is better to stop the growth and reproduction from becoming stress - resistant
02:46And as a byproduct of that stress resistance, you live longer
02:50hinders the development of the path of this, as it subjects the cell to the belief that there is not a lot of food around it. This also slows down aging and may