...طوي الإيراني عام ألفين وخمسة عشر . الدول...

  • 2 years ago
00:00inaudible] the Iranian in 2015. The permanent members of the Security Council and Germany included this item to allow the re-imposition of sanctions on Tehran
00:09once it violates one of the terms of the agreement.
00:12The way of imposing this mechanism is done automatically in the development of the Iranian nuclear program outside the terms of the agreement, and is subject to the imposition of sanctions.
00:22What distinguishes this strategy
00:24it does not require a return to the UN Security Council in order to impose sanctions. All States participating in the Nuclear Agreement are entitled to use this mechanism,
00:33This may undermine Washington's right to resort to it
00:37especially after its withdrawal from the agreement in 2018.
00:51The most prominent positions at the end of the third day of the eighth round of the Vienna talks, which we will review in the following report
01:00between optimism and doubt from the parties participating in the Vienna talks aiming at reviving the nuclear agreement. The United States confirms that the talks
01:10you are making modest progress.
01:12and that the issue of dinner from sanctions and Iran's return to comply with the agreement signed in 2015 comes at the heart of the eighth round of Vienna talks.
01:22For her part, German Foreign Minister Anna Lina Brooke
01:26confirmed that the talks with Iran entered a decisive stage, pointing out that Iran
01:32It has squandered a lot of confidence and time is running out to revive the nuclear agreement.
01:37The Iranians say that it is too early to judge the seriousness of the United States by lifting the sanctions, as the chief negotiator Ali Bagheri confirmed
01:46that the seriousness of the other party and its readiness to exempt Tehran from the sanctions
01:50through the mechanisms proposed by the Iranian side, especially in the issues of verification and guarantee, which will lead to reaching an agreement at a faster time.
01:59As for Russia, it confirmed its permanent representative to international organizations and its head of delegation in Vienna
02:04that the talks are progressing slowly but steadily, and that intensive informal consultations are taking place to restore the agreement,
02:12Her delegation, in partnership with China, had succeeded in persuading Iran to back down from some of its hard-line positions.
02:18for its part , israel , through the head of the intelligence authority in the army , aharon is an ally .
02:24its belief that the return to the Iranian nuclear agreement of 2015
02:29better for Tel Aviv than the collapse of Vienna talks on Iran's nuclear program, which concerns it
02:37About that. I welcome my guest from Washington via Skype, Mr. Richard Gogh, senior advisor at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
02:46and the director of the fight against Iran's weapons of mass destruction
02:49previously on the White House National Security Council. Welcome aboard, Mr. Richards.
02:54Will the Europeans support this time the decision of the United States to use